A Ten-Day Step-By-step Guide p4

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Day 8 II you give me a set oI templates

Day 8 (I)
A. Template Toolkit
B. msn actually also allows us to be prepared by a master oI composition templates
C. Template talk with Fan
D. IELTS examination room Argumentative real six-step
E. Report Class Fan
Day 8 (middle)
Is only suitable Ior "big bull" one-sided article how to write? (Scores content)
Day 8 (below)
Break through the template oI writing (scores content)
Daily practice

Day 9 chart title, Iinished in advance do
The three requirements chart title
Chart 3 the theme oI the preparatory work
The three kinds oI paragraphs oI the chart title
The theme oI three kinds oI special graph Iormat (high score content)
Daily practice

Day 10 on the Ilow chart oI the wolI legends
The Iour elements oI Ilow chart
There are templates Ilow chart
Daily practice

Class G Tactical Training Candidates
The three major disciplinary letters
Letter structure
IELTS Letter Categories Fan
IELTS common template letters and correspondence 10 most commonly used phrases
Daily practice

Eventually the battleIield oI the

Appendix A how do I do Forecast
Appendix B 43 Ge original IELTS writing scores to recite passages
Student exercises in Appendix C Selected /
Appendix D 2004 ~ 2008 Asia-PaciIic Regional Writing Subtotals
Appendix E IELTS essay summary oI the most Irequently cited a Iamous celebrity
Appendix F little-known but extremely useIul site in English Writing

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