A Letter From Heaven

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Sultan Abdul Hamid College

A Letter From Heaven

Curtain closed. A young mans voice over. Adult Ethan (V.O.) I was born in Pleasantville. The first gated community in the country. A place where people should be friendly, welcoming, open- heartedand that money or family background or education or luck didnt matter. Well, it was not. They did matter to everyone in Pleasantville. Except Grandda

Curtain opens. Landons household. 30 years ago. Night. William Landon Im home. Ethan! Ethan! Where are you? Young Ethan runs to his father. Young Ethan Papa, papa. You are home. (Shows his father his examination paper) Look, papa, I score 100 again. William Landon (pat on his sons head) Well done, boy. I am so proud of you. Its getting late. Get ready to go to bed. Young Ethan Are you coming to tell me a bedtime story? William Landon Ethan, it is late. You Young Ethan (hugging onto the fathers leg) Please, papajust one short oneplease???? William Landon (look at his sons begging face) I guess, one will do. But, a short one. Then you will go to bed. Agree?

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Young Ethan Yeay! Agree!! I will change into my pyjama now Young Ethan runs to his room. William Landon (look at the picture of his wife) Did you hear that? Ethan is such a big boy now. 100 again. I wish you were here. Why do you have to go?? (sobs) Young Ethan (stick his head out from his bedroom) Papa, Im ready. William Landon (wipes his tears) Im coming son. William Landon walks to his son. Lights off. Next day. Office. Mr Gorgon Tom!! Where is the Womens Fashion Week article? (ransacking his own table looking for the article)

Tom (rushes in with a pen in his hand) It is on the table this morning, Sir. Mr Gorgon On my table? Which corner of the table? Huh? Tom (moves forward) Sir, if you would allow me to find for you. (moves away the files) ahh.. its here, sir. See, the one with a pink ribbon on the right corner. Pink colour gives you an extra zest!! Mr Gorgon (waves him off) Alright, out you go. Go onshoo!! Tom walks out.

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Mr Gorgon (rips off the pink ribbon) Extra zest? A few minutes later. Mr Gorgon Tom! Tom Tom Tom at your service, Senor. Mr Gorgon Get William here now! Tom Right away. Later. William Landon You wish to see me, Gallu? Mr Gorgon Yes, Will. Please, have a seat.

Mr Gorgon You do know that Mr Balwar is retiring next week. I would like you to take his place as the Chief Editor in Happyville. William Landon (looked shock) Me? Taking over from Mr Balwar? But Gallu, you know I cant leave Pleasantville Mr Gorgon I know Will. You dont want to leave Pleasantville. Take it this way, it might as well be a fresh start for you and Ethan.

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William Landon I cant Gallu. I promised Betty that I will not leave her alone here. Mr Gorgon Will, she will not be alone here. Just go home and think about it. Just go to Happyville for six months. If you still dont like it, I will have you back here the next minute. William walks out. Night. Landon household. William Landon (over the phone) Yes, I know. Ethan need you here. I will not be away for too long, I guess. I need you here to take care of Ethan. Background. Ethan screams. William Landon I think Ethan is having nightmare again. I will come fetch you this Friday. Bye. William rushes to Ethans room. Background. William Landon (V.O.) Its ok. Ethan. Its only a nightmare..shh. Fade out.

Friday. Young Ethan Papapapa. Im home! Mrs Morrison said Young Ethan stops as he sees his father talking to an old man. William Landon There. Hes home. Come here, Ethan. Ethan walks to his father. Eyes on the old man who looks back at him. Page 5

William Landon Ethan, this is your grandda. Hes here to take care of you when Im away. Young Ethan Away? Where are you going papa? William Landon We discussed, Ethan. I will be heading to Happyville for six months. At the meantime, you will stay here with Grandda. (turns to the old man) Dad, meet your grandson. George Landon Hello Ethan. Its been a while since I last seen you. Young Ethan You have seen me? Why have I not remembered? George Loony You were a baby when I saw you. Young Ethan (tilt his head to think) Then, why have you not come to see me since then? William Landon ErrEthan George Loony (waves his hand) I would love to come sooner, if I have not been working. Young Ethan Working? What kind of work? George Loony Postman. I work as a postman. One month later. Young Ethan Fido, Im telling you, it is true. My Grandda said he sent letters from house to house every day.

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Young Fido Every day? Wow!! I did not know postman cycles to send letters every day. Young Ethan (excited) Yes, Grandda sent letters every day. He carried this mail bag behind his bicycle and sent to the people every day. He said it is normal to have postman sending letters to houses at the place where he comes from. Young Fido I am curious Ethan. We dont see people who cycles here, not to mention postman. I dont even know there is such thing called post box. Young Ethan Yeah, Grandda said hes going to show us how to fly kites. Young Fido Really? Oh, lets run to your house now!! Landon Household. George Loony making kite in the garden. Young Ethan Grandda, Im home! Grandda, what are you doing? George Loony Oh, you are early today Ethan. I am writing a letter to your Granny. Young Ethan A letter? But you are making a kite George Loony (smiles)Yes, a kite to send the letter to your Granny. Both boys look at each other, puzzled. Young Fido But Grandpa George, how do you send a letter to the deceased?

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George Loony Ahhthat is the most interesting part. But, I shall keep it a secret till I show you. Come, get me my hat, and we will head out to the Central Park. Young Ethan Yeay! Central Park! Young Fido passes the hat to George Loony. Three of them heads off to Central Park. Central Park. People watching at the trio. Young Fido Grandpa George, how do you send the letter to Ethans Grandma? Young Ethan Yeah, show us, Grandda. George Loony First, you tied the letter to the back of the kite. Then we fly the letter up to the heaven. Young Ethan Send letter to the heaven? George Loony Yes, a letter to heaven. Young Fido Wow! That is awesome!! Can we fly the kite now? George Loony (nods) come along, boys. Hold the kite for me Fido. Ethan, come, hold the thread. Release the kite slowly.and the let go of the thread slowly.and there you go Young Fido (look up to the sky) Wowlook at the kite. It is awesome. I have not seen a real kite flying in the sky before.

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George Loony Easy, boy. Dont rush. Control the kite. People at the park look at them in disgust. Children are excited but are pulled back by the parents. Night. Community Centre. Mr Nerd Gentlemen and lady. We gather here today to discuss on the misconduct of one George Loony. Mr Yak Mr Chairman, I suggest that we chase this George Loony out of Pleasantville. Since hes here, he has been shown sign of bad influence to our community. Mr Uruk I agree. Last week, I saw him eating ice- cream with Ethan Landon as they walk back from school. Mr Moon Ethan has been out to play with Fido more often than they should this past month. They should be studying to get good results and get to good college, not playing baseball! Men I agree!!! (men talking voicing their complaints) Mr Nerd Gentlemen, be quiet. Lets hear from our lady here. Mrs Gaga, what do you think of this George Loony? Mrs Gaga Gentlemen, I have done some background checking on this George Loony. It seems, George Loony comes from a poor community, Junkville. (face in disgust) He works as a postman (gasps from the gentlemen). Yes, a postman. He spent most of his time flying kite. His wife died of cancer. (gasps from the gentlemen) [thats the poor man disease] After the wife died, Mr William Landon ran away to a relatives house in Joyville. This relative is wealthy but has no heir for the inheritance. He adopted Mr William Landon as his son who then inherited his estate after he died a few years later. That is why Mr William Landon does not share George Loonys last name.

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Mr Uruk I suggest that we banish George Loony from Pleasantville.

Mr Moon I agree. I suggest we do it tomorrow before he corrupts more children. Mr Yak Look at what he has done to my Fido! He is now talking of being a postman! A postman! Can you imagine my Fido as a postman? Mrs Gaga Should have stopped him from entering Pleasantville at the first place! Mr Nerd Gentlemen, before we inform Mr Landon Mr Uruk We dont have to inform him. We have the authority to decide. Mr Yak Yes, Mr Chairman. I suggest we banish him first thing tomorrow morning before it is too late. Mrs Gaga (looks to Mr Nerd) It is your call now, Mr Chairman. Mr Nerd (brings down his gravel) I, hereby, decides that we banish George Loony from Pleasantville. We shall give him two days to pack. Mr Moon But, Mr Chairman Mr Nerd Gentlemen, this is final. Council dismissed.

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Corner of the house. Night. Young Ethan Papacome backthey are taking Grandda away please papacome back William Landon (V.O.) Calm down Ethan, Gallu has informed me of that. I will be home tomorrow morning. Ethan, be calm and be strong. Young Ethan (crying) yespapa. Next day. Landon household. Mr Nerd George Loony, you will leave Pleasantville today. Mr Uruk here, will accompany you out to the gate. Mrs. Gaga Ewwjust standing here with you, has downgraded me as a socialite! Young Ethan (rushes out) You cannot do this Mr. Nerd. You cannot take Grandda away!!! George Loony Ethan Mrs. Gaga Ohhyou loony boy!! Mr Nerd Ethan, the council has decided Young Ethan No.noGranddaplease dont go Young Fido Daddy!!Daddy!! Do something!! I dont want Grandpa George go too

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Mr Yak Fido! You come here immediately! You have disgraced me! George Loony Ethan, Fido. Let me go. The men tried to drag George Loony away from the children. William Landon Wait! Hold on! Leave my father! Mr Nerd Mr Landon. (nods to Mr Gorgon) Mr Gorgon. Mr Landon, we are William Landon No! You will not banish my father from Pleasantville! He has the right as much as us to stay in Pleasantville. Mr Moon Mr Landon, he is corrupting the childrens minds. Mr Gorgon Corrupting? Teaching them to have fun is not corrupting their minds. Mr Yak He made my Fido to want to be a postman! Young Fido I want to be a postman! I am interested! William Landon Mr Nerd, I respected you as the Chairman of the council but this is my father. I had been away from my father for a long time. I want him to be here, back to the family, as a father, as a grandfather. Mr Nerd Mr Landon

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Mr Gorgon Mr Chairman, as the biggest benefactor for the council, I would like you to reconsider this. If not for William, as a personal favour to me. And you, Mrs. Gaga. As the sole lady in the council, I thought you should be more sympathetic Mrs. Gaga I have been sympathetic to even allowed him to step into Pleasantville! How dare you? Mr Nerd Mr Gorgon, Mrs. Gaga George Loony Mr Gorgon, thank you for your kindness. Willie, I will leave Pleasantville. It is for the betterment of Ethan. William Landon Dad George Loony (waves him off) But I have a request. I wish to spend my birthday with my family before I leave. Mr. Nerd Wish granted. You may stay another day. Nothing more. George Loony Thank you. The Council men Mr Chairman Mr Nerd walks away, the men followed. Mr Gorgon taps on Williamss shoulder and left too. Young Fido left too. Night. Young Ethan Grandda, happy birthday!! Errhow old are you Grandda??? George Loony I am as old as the earth!! Ha ha! Page 13

Young Ethan You are ever so funny Grandda. I wish you will stay here forever(sobs) George Loony Ethan, you know this is impossible. Come here, Ethan. Sometimes in life, you cant always get what you want. We make choices and this a choice I have made. You have to respect it. Young Ethan (nods) But I can come to see you right?

George Loony Yes, you are always welcomed. William Landon watches his father and son from the corner. Tears roll down. George Loony Now, I believe it is your bedtime. I am tired too. It will be a long journey for me tomorrow. Young Ethan Ok. Good night Grandda. George Loony lay back on the couch. William Landon Dad, Ethan is in his bed. Thank you for bringing laughter back to Ethan. Dad, you dont have to leave actually. I will fight to the end to have you stay. You have the right as much as the others do. Dad? (shakes his father) Dad? Dad?

Present. Landon household Door bell. Old William Landon Ethan! Ethan! Whos at the door?

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Adult Ethan (walks in) Its the postman. Err dad. Im not sure how to put this delicately. Its a letter from Grandda. Old William Landon What? A letter from dad? Let me see, Ethan. Adult Ethan hands his father the letter attached to the kite. Old William Landon Its dads handwriting. (struggles to open the envelope) Adult Ethan Here dad. Let me help you. Old William Landon read the letter with his son and cried. Letter( V.O. by George Loony) Dear William and Ethan, thank you for the six months time. I enjoyed living with both of you in Pleasantville. I failed in my marriage and my life but I was blessed with a successful son and a sweet grandson, so I can die happily. William, you were a weak boy and cried a lot. So when I prayed to God, it was first for your health and also that you would be open- hearted. These days, Im greedy. I pray for you and your sons safety. Having a grandson calling me grandda and listen to every words I say tentatively made me so happy. What more do I ask for? Im so fortunate to be able to bid goodbye to both of you in a state of happiness. Goodbye.

Lights off.

The End

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