Time Lesson Plan

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Telling the time - Thursday 12

Practicum Lesson Number Topic



4 Time of Lesson Maths groups

After recess

Duration of Lesson 1 hour Year Level 1 Supervisor

Class Size Liz Evans

24 (group of 6)

Learning Focus: recognition of oclock times on a clock. VELS Strands. Level: 2 Domains Dimensions Discipline based learning Mathematics Measurement, chance and data

Key elements of standards to which lesson is focused

Use of a clock to determine the hour. (progression point 1.25)

Assessment Criteria and Method of Evaluation Standards Assessment Criteria

Use of a clock to determine the hour. (progression point 1.25) Ability to recognise and create oclock times on a clock face. Understanding and moving hands in a clockwise direction.

Evidence - Students recognise and create at least two oclock times. - Students move hand on the clock face in a clock wise direction.

Students Background Knowledge. Students know that clock has two main hands. Clock face has numbers 1 to 12. Resources and Materials. Clocks. Student Teacher Focus: - Remember warning time (10 5 2 mins). - Dont start until students are listening, sitting. - Keep an eye on students / keep them engaged (Seth, Isabella, Brodie, Harry, Kyle, Anthony) Stage of Lesson Task Time Student action Teacher action

Stage 1 Introduction

Stage 2 Body of lesson

Introduce task. Recognising and creating oclock times. - Goal: recognise and create 2 oclock and 6 oclock. Moving clockwise Practice moving minute hand in a clockwise direction. - Big (minute hand) is always on the 12 for oclock. Copy the teacher. Teacher creates oclock times and students copy. Teacher says Teacher states an oclock time. Students make it on clock. Train tracks In pairs students get partner to create an oclock time of their choice. Students check each other

2 mins


Explaining task Engaging students.

2 mins

Practicing moving minute hand in a clockwise direction.

Helping and guiding students to move hands in a clock wise direction. Keeping students on track

10 mins

Sitting Listening Creating oclock times Sitting Listening Creating oclock times Sitting Listening Creating oclock times Checking peers clock times.

Creating oclock times. Instructing students to copy. Keeping students on track. Choosing oclock times. Instructing students to make time. Keeping students on track. Monitoring students. Keeping students on track.

5 mins

10 mins

Stage 3 Conclusion

Stage 4 Closure

clocks. Clock races Students seated in circle. Teacher instructs students to create an oclock time. Once students have created time they put their hands on their heads. Did we reach our goal of being able to create and recognise 2 oclock and 6 oclock? Thank students. Comment on behaviour.

5 mins

Sitting Listening Creating oclock times

Choosing oclock times. Instructing students to make time. Keeping students on track.

2 mins

Listening and responding to teacher and peers.

- Ask students questions. Respond to students questions.

1 mins


Thank students. Comment on their behaviour for the session (good / bad).

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