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PSYCHSOC in Action: General Cleaning of Department of Psychology A Preparation for Accreditation

This academic year 2013-2014 is said to be the busiest for the Psychology Students of CLSU. The anxiety for completing every requirement, doing research papers, preparing for the exams and so on are difficult to overcome. But, despite of all these stuffs in the curriculum they really find time for other stuffs, like the extra-curricular ones. In relation to this, Psychological society conducted an activity which rattles the brains of everyone. This activity is said to be new to everyone, funny right? But kidding aside, Psychological Society together with their aspirants planned to organize and beautify the Department of Psychology in preparation for the upcoming accreditation. Together with the Psychology Department chair, Mrs. Rosario Bulanan, Bessie May Belza, President of Psychological Society, is the one who organize the members and the aspirants on different areas of responsibility for the beautification of the Department of Psychology. Everyone is being cooperative that entire day, also, though its somewhat tiring it seems that each and everyone is enjoying their assigned works, maybe because everyone in there knows that they are giving time and effort for the sake of the Psychology Department. In the end of the day theres a big change in the department, nice and clean. All thanks to everyone who gave time and effort because everything went well without a single problem.

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