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AS Media Studies MS2 Checklist (Pre-Production)

AO3: Demonstrate the ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills AO4 Demonstrate the ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research
Research Portfolio to be submitted with final storyboard
Genre research print offs, notes etc showing your understanding of the genre you have chosen to use Narrative research showing your understanding of the typical narrative structure of your chosen genre/form of text, including: Equilibrium/ disequilibrium/ enigma etc Character types/ function Technical codes (angles, editing etc) Binary opposites/ narrative conflict How are you going to include these in your storyboard? Style samples (analysed still images, notes from moving image analysis etc) What ideology is going to be present in your text and how will you show it? Different audience readings of your chosen genre/text Audience expectation and how you will meet this Audience research showing your research into your target audience and how you have targeted them

Symbolic codes (mise-enscene etc)

Surveys/ questionnaires

Storyboard have you:

Used the template? Completed 12-18 shots, all of which are detailed and easy to read (i.e. clear and well thought out)? Made sure your shot information (angle, editing, lighting etc.) matches the image you have created? Included comments on the following: the camera angle used and any editing taking place between shots (fade, cut, zoom, wipe etc.); sound information, including dialogue, music and sound effects; information on mise-en-scene, visual codes, lighting etc. (link this to genre); a note re: the intended effect of the shot on the audience (what emotion does it evoke? What information does it communicate and how?) as well as any relevant information about how the narrative structure of your scene overall?

Used terminology and narrative theory?

Pre-Production Report (Research) have you:

Explained the choices that you made? Genre and form Target audience Certificate Explained how you used the research, questionnaires, and analysis you carried out in your storyboard? Discussed the signs and codes you used and what they signify to/the effect they have on your target audience? Written about the stereotypes of your genre/form, and how you have conformed to or challenged them? Used the planning sheet you were given to write your report and handed a draft in to be marked? Written 500 words?

Your report should show the following: What you found out and how (your research) How you applied what you found out to your artefact How this is communicating with your target audience (be specific about the effect it has)

Does it?

Have you checked all of your work against the assessment criteria bands? Do you know which band you are aiming for?

MS2 Research Portfolio MS2 Pre-Production storyboard (1st look) MS2 Pre-Production storyboard (final) MS2 Report research (1st draft) Fri 18th Oct Fri 18th Oct Tues 5th Nov Fri 11th Nov

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