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EAAE thematic network on CONSERVATION III workshop

Coordinator: Professor Stefano F. Musso


6 - 9 October 2011, Romania

Organizing Schools: Faculty of Architecture of the University of Genoa (Italy) & Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest (Romania)

Workshop venue Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest (Romania)

Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning in Bucharest the historical building

The new building
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning 18-20 Academiei St, 010014 Bucharest, ROMANIA

The subject
The workshop addresses that all the our neighborhoods of modernism, acknowledging European towns have a valuable urban and architectural heritage built in the last part of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century: a heritage that is currently confronted with new contemporary requirements, opportunities and serious risks. The real context for the workshop will be a modernist borough of Bucharest also assumed as a metaphor of other similar cases in several European towns.

The concept
workshop is experimental: participants are asked through exploration of a real site to reflect on issues that impact on the integration theory of conservation practice in and

modernist urban areas and on their exploration in teaching.


aim is to create a dynamic the and

challenging, to stimulate

interactive atmosphere able reflective papers of the participants to be written after the event.

Workshop issues
Three inter-connected themes are put forward for consideration: A. The theoretical/methodological approach to the problems of conservation/ regeneration of modern parts of the cities, with regard to its different levels and disciplinary aspects. B. The urban planning, management, economic and social aspects of the question, with special regard to tutorship and development. C. The design/project and process to intervene on single buildings, with all their technical contents, goals and criteria.

The steps
1. May 2011: First Call for Participation. 2. June 27st, 2011: Submission of abstracts on workshop issues (as a preliminary application that allows us to pre-book the hotels) 3. July 15th, 2011: Communication to the authors: acceptance of the abstracts 4. September 9th, 2011: Registration deadline using the Application Forms that will be sent to the authors (or downloaded from the EAAE web-site: - payment should be made by bank transfer or cash at time of registration. 5. October 6th-9th, 2011: The Workshop. Exploration of the workshop issues in the context of the chosen site. Participants (in small groups) examine the site and prepare a statement on its significance and about how the themes refer to the integrated conservation issues involved. Statements are presented to the workshop assembly to be articulated into key points for teaching conservation. 6. February, 2012: deadline for papers presentation (max 15.000 characters, plus images) for review by the Scientific Committee. 7. Communication to the authors by the Scientific Committee will follow. 8. Review of papers on the basis of the observations expressed by the Scientific Committee 9. Publication of the Proceedings: end 2012/beginning 2013.

The programme (provisional)

DAY 1 Thursday afternoon (October 6th , 2011) Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning Frescos Hall 3:00 p.m Participants registration 3:30 p.m. Introductory session: presentation of the themes and report on the accepted abstracts presentation of the proposed study area (lectures) organization of the working groups Social Dinner DAY 2 Friday (October 7th, 2011) 9:30 a.m. Visit of the site, working groups (all day) DAY 3 Saturday (October 8th, 2011) morning City tour by bus. Visit to Mogosoaia Palace (15 km NW of Bucharest) afternoon Separate working groups: reflection, discussion and sedimentation Final statements on different topics and problems related to the site DAY 4 Sunday morning (October 9th, 2011) 9:30 a.m. General meeting and discussion on different statements 11:30 a.m. Workshop conclusion: key points for teaching conservation in architectural education (indications for final papers)

Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning in Bucharest - the Frescos Hall

The site


The site

Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning

It was included in the administrative perimeter of the town in 1895; between 1895 and 1940, the ancient large properties were progressively sub-divided, radically changing the area.

The site

The site
Its current configuration of the district is given by the assemblage of 11 historical sub-divisions, very different as regards urban composition, size and geometry, reflecting the social condition of the population concerned: from ensembles of rich villas, up to affordable housing estates. The assemblage of the subdivisions was done by the local administration. The regularity of the streets and their continuity contributed to the general urban order of the area. The subdivisions have followed several successive regulations concerning minimal dimensions of the allotments, placing of buildings, site coverage, building height, boundary type, vegetation etc

The site

Most of the buildings are villas or blocks of flats built in the inter-war period; their architecture displays a wide stylistic variety, from late eclectic and national style, to art-deco and modernism.

The social trip

Mogosoaia Palace (1698-1702)

EAAE - Thematic network on Conservation


3rd Workshop - October 6 9, 2011 Bucharest - ROMANIA
Professor Rodica Crisan (Bucharest) Professor Giovanna Franco (Genoa) Professor Loughlin Kealy (Dublin) Professor Stefano Francesco Musso (Genoa)

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