Current Affairs April 2013 & GK Questions-Part 9: Useful For PA/SA Exam & All Competitive Examinations, GK Quiz Etc .

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Current Affairs April 2013 & GK Questions- Part 9

Useful for PA/SA Exam & all competitive Examinations, GK Quiz etc..
1. Who among the following is given the credit of establishing the modern postal system in India? A) Lord Clive B) Lord Mountbatten C) Lalith Mansingh D) Dalhousie 2. The Nobel prize for Economics was instituted in 1967, but was first awarded in A) 1967 B) 1988 C) 1969 D) 1970 3. In which year the new logo of India Post was launched? (a) 2004 (b) 2006 (c) 2008 (d) 2010 4. The Wimbledon Championship is played in A) Sweden B) U.K C) Australia D) France 5. Where was the first Gandhi Stamp printed? A) Germany B) India C) Switzerland D) South Africa

6. What is the special constitutional position of Jammu and Kashmir ? (a) Indian laws are not applicable (b) It has its own constitution (c) It is not one of the integral part of India (d) It is above Indian constitution 7. Which of the following appointment is not made by the President of India ? (a) Speaker of Lok Sabha (b) Chief Justice of India (c) Chief of the Air Force (d) Chief of the Army 8. Vikram Sarabhai Space centre is located at A) Pune B) Ahmedabad C) Sriharikota D) Thiruvananthapuram 9. Which is the most populous city in the world is A) Paris B) London C) Peking D) Tokyo 10. The boundary line between India and China is called A) Mc Mahon Line B) Durand Line C) Radcliffe Line D) Red Line 11. The concept of five years plans in india was introduced by A) Lord Mountbatten B) Jawaharlal Nehru C) Indira Gandhi

D) Lal Bahadhur Shastri 12. Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of A) Vitamin E B) Vitamin A C) Vitamin B D) Vitamin K 13. Which was the first metal used by man? A) Copper B) Silver C) Bronze D) Brass 14. Which bank opened the first ATM in India? A) HDFC B) ICICI C) HSBC D) SBI * HSBC -- the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation -- was the first bank to introduce the ATM concept in India way back in 1987 Prepared by: currentaffairs4examz team, Join our FB page-Click Here Blog:

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