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Title: Physical Significance of Zero

Harsh V. Goel ( Version 1.00 Dated 04 Oct 2013

Statement The physical (or philosophical) significance of the Zero ( Sunya or Void ) is Moksha ( ceased to exist liberation or nirvana ) or in other words Zero is the mathematical representation of the concept of Moksha. Etymology of word Zero - The word zero came via French zro from Venetian zero, which (together with cypher) came via Italian zefiro from Arabic , afira = "it was empty", ifr = "zero", "nothing". This was a translation of the Sanskrit word shoonya (nya), meaning "empty". History of Zero
The earliest depiction of numbers in English (The Crafte of Nombrynge - c.1350), identifies them as "Teen figurys of Inde." The Arabic sources, from the earliest times, refer to numbers as arqam al hind -- "figures from India" The decimal word came from the Sanskrit word dasmalav

Brief definition of Moksha Another unique concept originated from India is Mokhsa, along with the Hell ( Sanskrit - Narak) and Heaven ( Sanskrit - Swarga) there is a third possibility i.e. to become void Neither ,to hell nor to heaven, Moksha means the existence ceased to exist unlike in all other religions in the world where either , by good deeds achieve Heaven or punished to Hell for bad deeds, this is unique concept, neither Heaven or Hell but ceased to exist. Details The concept of zero is not merely limited to a mathematical symbol of decimal system but it represents the unique Indian philosophical concept of Moksha , The Indian scholar Pingala (circa 5th2nd century BC) used the number Zero , in binary numbers ,in the form of short and long syllables , similar to Morse code and by the 9th century AD practical calculations were carried out using zero, which was treated like any other dasamlav ( decimal ) number system. But Long before that when Sanskrit texts were passed orally through Guru-shishya method, Concept of zero was already taken shape and it is as old origin of Vedam books (Wisdom Books) This not only establish that the most modern positional decimal number system originated in India but the use of Mathematical was at very higher level of thinking.

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