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Real name: Mihai Age: 29 Nationality: Romanian Race and Class: Undead Warlock Character name: Pitbulol Main

specc: 0-21-40 Destruction Off specc: none

Gear Head Evoker's Helmet of Second Sight Shoulders Voidheart Mantle Neck Rittsyn's Lost Pendant Cloak Shawl of Shifting Probabilities Chest Voidheart Robe Bracers Veteran's Silk Cuffs Weapon: Nathrezim Mindblade Off-hand: Orb of the Soul Eater Trinket 1: Icon of the Silver Crescent Trinket 2: Scryer's Bloodgem Ring 1: Violet Signet of the Archmage Ring 2: Sparkling Arcanite Ring

Hands Mana Etched Gloves Waist Belt of blasting Legs Voidheart Leggings Feet Boots of Foretelling My current stats unbuffed are: -15.38% spell hit rating (am going to be hitcapped soon) -1080 shadow damage -20% crit rating with spells Link to my wow interface

Profession 1: Enchanting (375) Profession 2: Jewelcrafting (375)

My expectations of Riot: I expect a fun guild which focuses on PVE and I want to progress and experience all content with you guys. I am a mature guy both IRL and in game and I treat people with respect and expect to get the same in return.

Why I play on a private server. I believe that wow truly shined on TBC and this is to my knowledge the best server to play on. I really loved TBC and I consider it the best expansion of wow to play.

My WoW Experience from retail. I played vanilla wow and TBC. From vanilla I cleared everything upto Naxxramas (only did like 2 bosses there). In TBC I have cleared all content upto T6 but I cannot fully remember all encounters. Experience on Feenix Karazhan - Cleared Magtheridon - Cleared Gruul - Cleared SSC - Lurker, Morogrim TK - Voidreaver. I have seen the recorded kills you guys have posted on your website in SSC including Lady Vashj. I will of course familiarize myself with bosses and fights which I consider no problem once everybody knows what do do. I can raid these days: Monday 19:00 - 24:00 Wednesday 19:00 - 24:00 Sunday 19:00 - 24:00

I agree and have read Riot's loot rules and member guidelines. I am attuned to: SSC/TK and will work on others. I will raid with: 90% Attendance or more.

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