Engineering in Context: Assignment 02

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Engineering in context

Assignment 02


Anuradha Page 1

Question No 01 1. An Engineer is a professional practitioner of engineering. He is one who effectively adapts the finding of science to the use of man and specifically trained and experienced in paining and developing the strictures and devices and in supervising the processes for the benefit of mankind.

2. Irrigation Engineering Civil Engineering Agriculture Engineering Mechanical Engineering Computer Engineering Power Engineering Building Services Engineering

3. Engineers and their practices have been encouraged for one paramount reason: benefiting humankind. In modern society, we are constantly interacting with our environment. Engineers aim to benefit the people of the present by employing effective structures that are intended to improve transportation and living habits of earths inhabitants. By extension, engineering is planning for the continual growth of the human population and ensuring there are sufficient resources for the people of the future. Engineering manages sewage, wastes, and purification. These points do affect sustainability, but they are also crucial in defining another aspect of engineerings importance. Cleanliness and public health are largely defined by engineering. Without proper engineering and sewage systems, we would no doubt run out of fresh water and we could quite literally be living in our own focal matter.


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Question No 02

1. Yes, Technology has positional to bring solution to human needs. Technology has become a part of many people's everyday life. We use technology almost everywhere. Cell phones, computers, laptops, smart boards, GPS systems, etc. all is technology passed. It helps us daily, by providing us with information. Technology lets people communicate instantly no matter how far apart they are. Telephones and the internet are huge examples of this. So we can contact any people in the world with skype, gtalk, etc. Also Technology also improves the yield per hectare/yards. Therefore requiring less land to grow the same amount of crops. But more importantly, if the technology is used with discipline and a little brain, then it can be used to farm sustainably. Therefore Technology has positional to bring solution to human needs.

Question No 03 1. Underestimating or ignoring impact of change. Poor Communication. Lack of technical knowledge. Lack of strong executive sponsorship. Project is not aligned with other business initiatives.


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Even for an average person, the importance of technology for development might be common sense today. We acquire this common sense through experience. Innovation and research are very important things for development of country economy because in innovation and research we can find what the latest technology is using for our works. Therefore we can reduce our time, cost of product, and other wasting. Therefore Innovation and research are very important things for development of country economy.


Per Independence period

The Dominant Sector of the Sri Lankan economy historically has been wet rice (paddy) cultivation. Its importance in ancient times is demonstrated by the extensive irrigation works constructed in the north-central region of the island in the first millennium A.D. In the thirteenth century, the civilization based on these reservoirs began to decline, and population shifted to the wet zone of the southern and south-western areas, where irrigation was less necessary to grow rice. Cinnamon and other spices which were valuable in the European market became important export commodities in the sixteenth century, when Europeans, first the Portuguese and then the Dutch, established control over the coastal areas of the island. Commercial agriculture came to dominate the economy during the British period. In the British period the introduce some technologies like major rail and road networks and the Colombo seaport as well as associated engineering departments such as Ceylon Government Railways, and Public Works Department , Government Factory, Colombo Port Workshop and private sector owned Walker Sons & Co. Ltd, Walker & Grieg, Brown and Co. Ltd and Colombo Commercial Company. At the beginning all the key positions of these organizations were manned by the British and later to train technical people for these organizations, the Ceylon Technical College was founded in 1893.These are the Per Independence period technology development in srilanka.


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Post Independence period

After political independence in 1948, a number of R&D institutions were established in order to develop Science & Technology in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research was the first of such kind. After 1977 policy reforms, private sector was given a leading role in the economy. Thereafter private R&D activities showed positive growth in some industry and firm levels. Technology transfer and R&D works happened in sectors such as infrastructure, construction (housing and dams, etc), garments, communication, ceramics, rubber products and information technology through sub-contracting, out sourcing or own R&D Works Non-existence of the industrial capital class may be another key reason for the low industrial base in the country. During the past century, involvement of a majority of SriLankan capital class was limited to plantation and service sector based activities. Presently, their main involvement can be observed in the financial sector such as banking, leasing, insurance, etc. and trading where not much technology progression is taking place.


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