Textual Analysis On Q Magazine 1

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Textual Analysis I will be analysing the music magazine that denotes the masthead called Q magazine.

One can see that behind the white bold Q masthead is a red box that can symbolise power and courage, but at the same time can symbolise wrath and anger. The colours white and red contradict each other as in some eastern countries red symbolises death, anger and evil, where as white connotes holiness, purity and goodness. On top of this is the banner that denotes 140 songs that must download now!, this immediately tells the reader that the magazine is about music and the colours utilised in this cover lines are, pink, yellow, white and black which gives a urban feel to the magazine. The colours can connote: content, happiness, and mystery and so to some people this would immediately grip them, since the colours would also stand out against other magazines in the shop. So as a result the headings house style is different to other magazines and this makes the magazine recognisable among other magazines. The selling line is Discover Great Music in serif font and instantly tells the reader that the magazine is the best music to find great music, the selling line is like the magazines ethos. The shape of the cover line is oddly shaped and resembles a hazard sign due to the hazardous shape, this again stands out and could intrigue the audience into finding out more about the magazine and in that turn may want to buy the magazine. There is also a bright yellow puff utilised with text that says, 26 Festivals to blow your minds, this use of youthful language would be aimed at young people, and the plain black text against the yellow puff creates the idea that its a hazard or a warning! This could symbolize how the 26 festivals will blow not literally their minds. This is not following the usual trend of happy, bright puffs. There is a wide mix of fonts on the cover lines and this tells the reader that the magazine is open to a mix of topics and themes, for example the main cover line Lana del ray which is in front of the model, almost appears like its a signature and it is in sans serif this seems less formal and more fun. Lana del ray cover line could be done in this way, because her name is unique and when her name is said in say concerts, it could be said loudly. It anchors the main cover picture of Lana del ray. The bright pink utilised in the magazine would symbolise to most people happiness or even connote rebellion. This could symbolise Lana del rays personality. In this magazine, they have used a medium shot of the model, from head to waist, this is so that they can see more detail of her and also the photo fit along with the Rule of thirds, so that she is eye level with the reader ; and so the reader can relate with her. And also the sub head line states So what so bloody good? is ironic because its referencing to the blood that is on her forehead, this could encourage the reader to want to find out. The vast variety of cover lines, tells us that the magazine is going to cover different topics of music which means it will interest different types of people. The snappy cover line denotes Fights! Feud! Feather! is interesting because the editor has used the power of three to hook the reader and the italic font makes it seem more like gossip and yet not seem like a gossip magazine. There is also the website name; Just Jared.com which makes it easy for the reader to find more information about the magazine in general or an issue and to the reader gives off the impression that the magazine is real/professional.

Everybodys mad for, tells the reader that Lana del Rey is a wanted singer and this may make the magazine appear like a must read. The colour red seems to be a repeating colour on this magazine, for e.g. on the cover line Jay Z and Kanye West on the throne, Jay Z and Kanye West are in red, this can represent power and success. And is to show how they are mentioning great musicians in their magazine. The arrowhead at the top right hand side of the magazine suggest that the Exclusive pro green track can be found inside the magazine, and so lead the reader to want to read on into the magazine. One can also notice, that there are significantly more cover lines on the left hand side of the magazine, because the first thing that the reader will see is the left side of the magazine when in the shops. So the editor makes sure that the left hand side of the magazine has the snappy and most interesting cover lines. The photo fits well into the rule of thirds, so that Lana del rays gaze is on the reader and they can sort of relate to her. The cover photo is a medium shot of her, from her waist upwards and there is detail for the reader to see what she is wearing, and she is wearing a simple white dress; this makes sure that the reader is likely to focus on her face. Mise en scene Lana Del Rey appears to be wearing a simple white dress with natural hair, this can connote how innocent and true she is, and to some can portray how she is focused just on making good music. One could say that the white dress can symbolise how she has respect for herself as an artist and how she is not superficial. Her NVC denotes her with a neutral expression on her face, as she is not smiling but then she is not making an angry expression. She has a steady gaze, which is aimed at the reader; one may think that she looks mysterious. Her hand is placed at the top of her head and beside her tiara lightly, this can connote how she is not just a pretty face and dainty, but she is smart and is good at music too. She is portraying through her body language, not to judge a book by its cover. In addition to this, the lighting around is quite bright, with a neutral white/grey background behind her. However, there is a low key, dark shadow behind her which can represent how she has a secret or mystery; this can entice the reader to want to buy the magazine. The blood on her forehead again refers to how she is not so innocent and the sub headline whats so bloody good?, which is ambiguous because bloody in English terms can mean when something is terrific, but then bloody can represent death and evil. A tiara is placed at the top of her head, to show how she is making a grand mark on the music industry and is, as one can say a princess of pop. Target Audience The magazine appears to be aimed at the early teens-25, due to the context of cover lines, e.g. to blow your minds does not appear like it would be aimed at the older audience, but more likely at the young adolescences due to the use of colloquial language. Also, Lana Del Rey is a musician who the younger generation would be more likely to recognise and due to the variation of fonts it makes the magazine appear more fun, rather than formal like. The magazine looks like it is aimed at women and men, as it uses a range of colours

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