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County Report Outline


A. Early history
B. Interesting historical events
C. Famous people from your county
D. What is your county like today?
A. Location. Be sure to name the counties or states that border your county and
what part of Utah your county is in. (For example: Salt Lake County is on Utah
County's northern border)

B. Physical Features. (Mountains, deserts, rivers, lakes, etc.)
C. Elevation, Climate, Temperature Averages, Precipitation.
D. County Seat and other important cities and their locations. Include some
interesting facts about these cities too.
A. Manufacturing? (What do the people make or sell there?)
B. Natural Resources? (Minerals, etc)
C. What agricultural products do they produce? (Milk, crops, pork, poultry, beef,
A. Famous landmarks: Monuments, buildings, or other things they have built

B. Where do tourists go when they come to visit your county?
C. Recreation and sports.
CONCLUSION: Summarize your thoughts about your county. This should bring
together all your topics and finalize your feelings about your county. Have they
changed since you first chose your county? How?
What is the most interesting thing you learned about your county?
Would you like to visit your county and why?
EXTRAS: Any of the following: Post cards, newspaper articles about your county,
pictures from magazines, or pamphlets, personal photos, and anything else
approved by your teacher.

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