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Federal database to include your children? McDonald's is testing a new mobile app that let's you order and pay for food on your phone Anyone Else Aware Police Were Pulling These Kinds Of Experiments On Our Children? Mom Pwns "Twerking" Daughter (video) DHS to roll out disease outbreak surveillance grid to spy on health of Americans This Ingredient Is Found In Most Cereals, Breads, But Its Also Found In Foamed Plastics and Rubber Too 3 GMO Foods Likely in Your MultiVitamins Miso Soup Found to Protect Against Radiation Exposure Two Neurosurgeons Resign After Trying to Treat Patients Brains with Fecal Matter Scientists pinpoint proteins vital to long-term memory List of 100 Heirloom Seed Suppliers Genes linked to being right- or left-handed identified The Physics of Pouring Water Upside-Down During a Barrel Roll IL Pizzeria Offers Food For Flashing Obama to cut COLA
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tob shebbe goyim harog Anonymous Coward User ID: 967845 Germany 06/18/2010 05:38 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation


tob shebbe goyim harog a famous black american author tortured with high-tech weapons. at an early stage in her persecution she recognized that a "huge majority" of those following her and torturing her were jews. gloria naylor is a respected black american author and winner of a national book award. her novels have been used as study material for university courses and she has herself taught as a guest professor at prestigious universities. naylor grew up in brooklyn and became accustomed the distinct physical appearance of jews, as well as differences in accent and culture. as a result of this experience she has the somewhat unusual ability to recognize jews from non-jews often based on observation alone. perhaps this is why naylor was selected as target for torture and destruction of her career -- like the hero in john carpenter's "They Live", she could SEE (unfortunately, she was not there to kick ass and chew bubblegum). quite simply, she was AWARE of jews around her. perhaps she openly commented on the jewishness of some of her colleagues during one of her stints as a guest professor, or made note of differences of opinion between jews and non-jews during faculty meetings. audio interview some time marks of note: ************************** 25:00 = her book 1996 mysteriously not reviewed by mainstream press. who controls the mainstream press? 27:55 = naylor was called names at night, accused of being anti-semitic and hating jews 35:50 = this is the important part to listen to. a huge majority of those following, persecuting and torturing her were jews

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Obama to cut COLA for active military while sending equal funds to Muslim Brotherhood Why Americans Are Submitting to the NWO Iowa Gives Gun Permits to the Legally Blind USDA Program Allowing Pork Plants to Inspect Themselves Fails to Prevent Contaminated Meat Court: Google can face wiretapping claims in Street View lawsuits Frankenflies to battle pests: Scientists plan to launch thousands of GM insects into fields as alternative to using chemicals Why fingerprints make lousy authentication tokens Delaware-sized lake discovered beneath Kenya desert Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above, and You may Not Know Scientific Proof of the Existence of the Soul

Anonymous Coward Re: tob shebbe goyim harog User ID: 1007475 United Kingdom They Live!!! 06/18/2010 05:41 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 967845 Germany 06/18/2010 06:31 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation Re: tob shebbe goyim harog unbelievably america's first secretary of defense complained of being followed by foreign agents -- israeli jews, zionists -- and he was just ignored. a high ranking american official, a cabinet secretary, said he was being followed around by foreign agents, and his complaints were brushed aside and he was treated as though he were paranoid. from Wikipedia ( [link to] ) : ... a portrayal of Forrestal as a dedicated anti-Zionist who led a concerted campaign to thwart the cause of the Jewish people in Palestine. These critics tend to characterize Forrestal as a mentally unhinged individual, a hysteric with deep anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish feelings. Forrestal himself maintained that he was being shadowed by "foreign men", which some critics and authors quickly interpreted to mean either Soviet NKVD agents or proponents of Zionism.[32] Author Arnold Rogow supported the theory that Forrestal committed suicide over fantasies of being chased by Zionist agents, largely relying on information obtained in interviews conducted with some of Forrestal's fiercest critics inside and outside the Truman administration. However, those who see Zionist conspiratorial designs behind Forrestal's unexplained death note Rogow's footnote to his work: "While those beliefs reflect the fact that Forrestal was a very ill man in March 1949, it is entirely possible that he was 'shadowed' by Zionist agents in 1947 and 1948. A close associate of his at the time recalls that at the height of the Palestine controversy, his (the associate's) official limousine was followed to and from his office by a blue sedan containing two men. When the police were notified and the sedan apprehended, it was discovered that the two men were photographers employed by a Zionist organization. They explained to the police that they had hoped to obtain photographs of the limousine's occupant entering or leaving an Arab embassy in order to demonstrate that the official involved was in close contact with Arab representatives."[32] New light was shed on Forrestal's concerns in March 2006 when The Times of London, referencing newly declassified documents, revealed that a serious attempt by Menachem Begin's Irgun Gang to assassinate[33] Britain's antiZionist Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, had been thwarted by British intelligence in 1946. Columnists Drew Pearson and Walter Winchell led a press campaign against Forrestal[8] to make him appear paranoid. -- [link to]
Q uoting: Wikipedia

walter winchell at least was jewish, pearson i don't happen to know at the moment. another reason the jews may have targeted forrestal, in addition to his anti-zionist positions, was that he talked to the wrong people, and as a result knew too much:

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Played golf with Joe Kennedy (U.S. Ambassador to Britain). He says that Chamberlain stated that America and world Jewry forced England into World War II." James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy (later Secretary of Defense), Diary, December 27, 1945 entry [link to] forrestal had face-to-face conversations with chamberlain, and had begun to become aware of the centuries old jewish conspiracy for world domination -- the conspiracy which had fomented the revolutions of the 16th thru 20th centuries which ended the old aristocratic order of europe, including the communist revolutions. Re: tob shebbe goyim harog

Ho_Lee_Kao User ID: 896722 United States 06/18/2010 06:51 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Anonymous Coward (OP) User ID: 967845 Germany 06/18/2010 07:58 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation

Re: tob shebbe goyim harog non-jewish american graduate student discovers a cabal of jews who collude to give jewish applicants preferential treatment in admissions to her graduate department. as a result she is tortured and persecuted. she briefly describes her experiences in this anecode (more can be found at link): Thread: blast from the past -- the "sharon" thread from GLP !! I am fed up with this forum and about to drop out forever. This forum is dominated by Anonymous Coward, who obviously has no life and no job. Who cares? I will find another forum. I tried to find my links after just a few days and found them missing. I wanted some feedback, but I got mostly lunatic harangues. I agree with with most everything written by the late Joe Vialls, and I want to explain why. I was denied an assistantship to the University of Mississippi, which was very unusual, so I showed up there anyway and talked to the Anglo chairman, not the Jewish Graduate Coordinator. The Anglo chairman was floored that I had not received an assistantship, so he created one for me that day and put me in charge of assistantship applications, which was the job of the Jewish Graduate Coordinator. It was not a bloodless coup by any means. Since I was in charge of all the records, I discovered that all the Anglos in the program had scored at or below the 50th percentile on the GRE. One 40 year old Jewish woman from NYC had a perfect score; and then there was me, who scored in the 98th percentile. There was one other Jewish male who had lowest GRE scores of anyone--30th percentile--yet he was the editor of the departments creative magazine. The year I was at Ole Miss, the most qualified students were admitted, because the chairman and I ignored the Jewish cabal, as if it didnt exist. My year at UM forced me to realize that Jews hate Goyim beyond belief and will do anything in their power to destroy all intelligent Goyim. The University of Mississippi is a cesspool of Jewish hatred. Jews used blacks to gain power in many universities, but there were no black graduate students at UM -- Thread: blast from the past -- the "sharon" thread from GLP !!
Q uoting: sharon is dead

an extremely creepy reply in that thread: duh, are smart, and know too much! you know THEIR games....

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you are not one of them, you wont play along. nothing but the long, hard road for you. do you believe in God?
Q uoting: creepy anon

sound like a "perp" to you? a member of the jewish criminal mafia? another interesting anon post on the thread: i spent 20 years in the university system and what you say is correct. but everyone knows you can't talk like that and make a living.
Q uoting: anon

no, you can't talk like that, can you

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