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FS 4
Episode 1 THERMOMETER CHECK Name: Carie Justine P. Estrellado Course: BSEd Resource teacher: Mrs Estrella Roo Signature:

My target At the end of this activity, I should be able to describe through my reflection of how the school promotes partnership and dialogue.

My map 1. Visit s school and study its mission, vision, and goals in relation to the schools curriculum. 2. Observe the interaction between and among students, teachers, and other school personnel. 3. Write down my observation and discuss with my classmates and FS teacher. 4. Generate insights from my observation and discussion. 5. Reflect on my experiences.

Note: The observer is not evidently subdued any proscribed detailed or unacceptable actions documented regarding the school had observed... Strictly for their welfare.

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My observation report on interaction
Name: ________________________________________ Year/Course: ____________ School observed: ________________________________________________________ Year level: ____________ Section: ______________ Subject observed: ____________ OBSERVATIONS: Student to student interaction patterns: The patterns of interaction between student to student are being usual, having peer relation, based on folkways societal pattern peculiarity is less observed, since they do what they wanted to do so and it seems they or it clearly show their autonomy on how they behave w/ the same stuffs sometimes its effects of being unconsciousness to the preference or rights of others (maturity are concisely observed). Student to teacher interaction patterns: The student teacher interaction merely depends on the level of difference because it shows that the lower section or group are ghastly forgetting respect and quite IMPULSIVE, few are stubborn, some students treat their teacher as fellow student and no doubt aftermath a quarrel is expected. Outside the school premises students seems to be polite as if the teachers personality can redeem easily. Teacher to student interaction patterns: The sympathy of teacher to his/her students are quite from tolerance, they hard to manage the students, since they are angel like to respect but they strongly show how to respect and to be respect in return. In class when a teacher calls a student to answer some teacher interacts in depressing the student, still likely at the end the teacher evaluates with students. Student to non - teaching personnel interaction patterns: Their interactions are not usually seen but the student creates cooperation and harmony with a good intention working with personnel however some are hard headed that freaks them out follow. Teacher to teacher interaction patterns: A strong relation is common to teacher to teacher patterns, without the views of supervisors the gossip and communication about unrelated issues even then their interaction w/ each other are sometimes difficult to understand, since not all teachers (accdg. To my observation) want to linger with someone they only stranspire if only there is a common interest had discussed. The insights were drawn on JULY 4 7, 2011

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Enriching activities

My script

A scenario where any of the above interactions occur in the school. This is a script of their dialogue, that bears the observers mind partnership is built on developing a climate of respect, harmony and cooperation. Resource teacher: magandang hapon po Personnel: hapon din po maam (the teacher walks unto the faculty) ( after a joyful greetings and preparation of materials the teachers goes to class) Resource teacher: magandang hapon! Students: magandang hapon din po Resource teacher: class kuhanin ang assignments and exchange papers (the class follow their teacher and listen carefully until the lecture and the end of the lesson) Resource teacher: pakitulungan nga ako kung maari na iihatid ito sa faculty Students: sige po maam Resource teacher: wag nyong kalimutan ang assignments nyo ha? Students: opo, maam <a simple scenario undergone by 3 A> Principal: maam naayos niyo po ba yung letter? Guidance counsellor: ay opo sir! Principal: sige ipaalam na natin sa mga supervising teachers yan Guidance counsellor: ipapahatid ko na lang po sa inyo pagkatapos <a short dialogue between the head and its staffs (June 29, 2011.Wed.)>

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Why is a classroom a miniature of a greater society? Classroom is the shelter of innocent child, that every individual molds and sculpted by a teacher particularly the institution and a youngsters mind develop inside the classroom with different differences he sees. It also the stepping ground of freezing the ideals of being a man of others yet a beginning for someone to know that the world means and that proceeds to the person he will be in a community What are found in the classrooms that are to similar to what can be observed in society? Sameness of attitudes Dynamic individual Partial injustice (as in inequal competency) Debate Issues-centrism concerning child Reasonable rule of action Lack of availability of resources Logical disputes (especially parent teacher interaction)

Peace concept on focus: Cooperation

You are able to find pleasure in working with another person because you consider this person as partner not a competitor. Through partnership, the task is done cooperatively and more easily.

Cooperation needs a wavering stems of a pumpkin to create the minds and faces

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FS 4
Episode 2 Come, Lets TALK
Name: Carie Justine P. Estrellado Course: BSEd Resource teacher: Mrs Estrella Roo Signature: Your target At the end of this activity, the students should be able to describe the interaction pattern that occurs between the teachers and learners as provided in the curriculum. Your Map 1. Visit a school and observe how the teacher provides the opportunity to the learners to interact with one another in doing ones role. 2. Record how roles are performed by the teacher and the learners. 3. Make your own documentation of the dialogue or conversation based on the observed roles that each one performs which you feel could have been livelier. 4. Highlight the aspect of the dialogue that indicates the teacher as a role model in developing the process of learning.

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Your Tools For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below. My Observation Report Name: Carie Justine P. Estrellado Year/course: BSEd, 4T School observed: Del Remedio National High School Year level: _________________________________ Section: ____________ Observations: <Direct Quotes> Teacher: magsisimula na ang ating talakayin Student: maam anu po an gating subject? Teacher: abay History... (Mrs. Roo is preparing her visual materials on board) Student: maam alam nap o naming ang topic tungkol po sa sinaunang sibilisasyon As the teacher preparing her materials some students were impulsive and some are not properly observing the ethical standard since we can see in this line the hidden curricula transpire to the school. Personal Reflections on the dialogue In a classroom setting teachers I mean some of them are lack of Discipline Design, but the usual thing that I observed is the manner of development of self in humanism even though not experience centered the communication still has the core design which include the following: Needed information is listed and discussed Information is obtained and analyzed. Tentative conclusions are stated.

However, the dialogue is very limited to reflect as such Socratic method was obvious connecting with the designs and communication patterns.

Note : supervision was presented in every manuscript to point the corresponding view of authority.

Almeda, R. And Bilbao, P. (2003) Curriculum Development: Course Module. 2 . Ed. WVSU Printing Press.


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YOUR ANALYSIS 1. How important are dialogue and substantive conversation in the classroom in terms of students learning? Through dialogue and open conversation there will be a communication and interaction between teachers and students, it is the bridge on how to get through such meanings also conversation there is always be understanding mostly in the class that will make it to be conducive. And if we think there will be little or no conversation at all, the class in particularly may not cope the problem deter is possible. 2. What learning benefits could teachers and students draw from intentional classroom dialogue? Freewheeling participative interaction might firmly happen, and like there could be a maturity drawn in an intentional classroom dialogue inasmuch as angle of perpective and operational corrective actions will be talk considerably.

REFLECTION About Curriculum Designs... Generally speaking, a curriculum can be organized either horizontal or vertically. Horizontal organization means, that the direction of the curriculum elements is sideways. And pertaining to the dimensions of curriculum design scope does not rely refer to the cognitive content, but also to the affective and psychomotor content.

PEACE CONCEPT ON FOCUS: Curriculum design is not only a matter of brilliant planning. It needs a constant effort to unite al diverse aspects of learning. This effoert is successful when the people involved believes in the power of dialogue.

Glattorn, A (1994) Developing A Quality Curriculum. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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FS 4

Preparation tips For my task: 1. 2. Prepare worksheets Contact group mates Talk with FS teacher Library work @4 Refresh your understanding of the theories and principles of curriculum development. To do this, look for brief reading from books and or internet. Note down your questions and confusions regarding the principles and theories of curriculum development and find time to discuss them with your classmates and or FS teacher. Write in bullets your clear understanding and insights on the right hand column of the next page.

Episode 3 TELL ME
Name: Carie Justine P. Estrellado Course: BSEd Resource teacher: Mrs Estrella Roo Signature: Your Target At the end of this episode, you should be able to deliberate on the principles involved in designing the curriculum and the learning activities provided. Your Map In your observation, please do the following steps: 1. Critique the information from the curriculum theory and practice through observation of the: a. Learning environment b. Subject matter c. Books & internet resources used 2. Write your observations including the information you gather. 3. Reflect on your experience.

3. 4. 5.



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Your tools For this episode, please use the activity form provided for you below. My observation report Name: _______________________________________ Date of Observation: _______________ School: ______________________________________ Subject Observed: _________________ The learning environment Subject matter/s covered Library and/or internet resources It is conducive Materials are properly utilized by the students Doesnt show much innovation Based on practicality Learner centered The learner but not all can access to the said facilities Lack of personal maintenance related to expertise Some of the references were obsolete

The learning Based on the planned environment is sanitary curriculum Properly maintaining Has the Articulation, for cleanliness Basis, Continuity, Sequence, Balance. Vividly see the different learned Follows the important curriculum criteria for content Conducive Self sufficiency In accordance to the Significance foundation of Validity humanism Interest Congruence to the Utility capacity of learners Learnability Most of the rooms are convertable to different (based on Scheffler, 1970 educational room prime guiding principle) activities

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Analysis Why should teachers know about curriculum design?

Knowledge of curriculum design is important for understanding the arc of the educational
year. If teachers have some experience of this they will better understand the importance of each unit they are teaching during the year and how it relates to other units both past and present. It is also good for them to understand the reasons behind the model for the curriculum they are teaching. Most employers will be impressed if a teacher has done some curriculum design in the past as this indicates the teacher has shown initiative and interest in the wider scope of their job. Administration is a large part of teaching and so any experience in this area is usually favourable What do most principles and theories of curriculum development have in common? How is this commonality expressed or spelled out in the curriculum of the class you have observed? Felt that the curriculum should ultimately produce students who would be able to deal effectively with the modern world. Therefore, curriculum should not be presented as finished abstractions, but should include the childs preconceptions and should incorporate how the child views his or her own world. Dewey uses four instincts, or impulses, to describe how to characterize childrens behaviour any given curriculum in place in a school for a new academic year is highly important. It provides the whole programme for the year for each and every class level and every educational stage. It gives stability to a school's planning for the year and gives teachers a main idea of where they are heading with their students during that year. It provides a overview for the head of the school, and provides an important foundation for yet further planning for both educational supervisors and teachers. In correlation of Social Meliorists theory believe that education is a tool to reform society and create change of the better. This socialization goal was based on the power of the individual's intelligence, and the ability to improve on intelligence through education. An individuals future was not predetermined by gender, race, socio-economic status, heredity or any other factors. The corruption and vice in the cities, the inequalities of race and gender, and the abuse of privilege and power could all be addressed by a curriculum that focused directly on those very issues, thereby raising a new generation equipped to deal effectively with those abuses

Once a curriculum is in place, breakdowns can be made of this. These are called syllabuses and gives teachers an idea of what is to be taught in a given month, week etc. And correlated to the theory of meriolists in response to the commonality. Once the teachers receive these, they can then can start to break them down further in the form of lesson plans. This also makes sure all the teachers are keeping on the same educational stages. After having referred to the syllabuses, each week the teachers will follow the lesson plans they have prepared writing down the given objectives, educational methods to be used, time period, list of teaching aids and work sheets to be used or books pages to

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be read along with any other reinforcement activities etc.. They will also write an evaluation at the end of the day. The Lesson Planner keeps them organized, on the same track, and keeps the school's academic year organised, stable and running efficiently.

Your Reflections From your FS experiences, keep in touch with your most meaningful learning and express it through abstract visual representation. Please use appropriate colors to represent your feelings and significant learning.

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FS 4
Episode 4 Bridging Educational Processes Carie Justine P. Estrellado BSEd Mrs. Estrella Roo

Your Target At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify educational programs that connect the school with the larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes. Your Map For this episode, go through the following ramps:

Ramp 1. Visit a school and examine their calendar of activities. See how the students, community stakeholders are involved. Ramp 2. Identify the programs where the leaders create rewards for certain practices in delivering services to the stakeholders. Record the observations on the calendar of activities, programs and awards and the participation of the stakeholders. Ramp 3. Reflect on how the stakeholders participate in school activities.

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Your Tools
For this episode, please use the activity form provided for you below. My observation report Carie Justine P. Estrellado Del Remedio National High School Date of Observation: August 1, 2011 (note: the information was obtain on july) Calendar of Activities and stakeholders: Observation: when I observed their activities like a Quiz Bee last week there I clearly see on how every learners and teachers and any stakeholders participate. Note: the other events that are mentioned below were already done, I only relate these mechanics to identify the programs hold by different stakeholders The draft of upcoming activities are presented next to these. STAKEHOLDERS The Soaring Del Remedians Students on track Del Remedio National High school recognized where ever it goes. Not only because of its unique color but also because the quality of education it offers. It was proven by the different awards of its student took home. Also the Del Remedians serve its community through the Clean and Green Program it implements. (note: commonly held on November) C.A.T. on the go! Serving the Community: The Del Remedio National High school C.A.T. leaders and members conduct weekly community service to maintain its cleanliness. Mark Anthony Maghirang the over-all group leader together with his group leaders and platoon leaders help the school in maintaining the cleanliness not only of the school but also its community. It is with the coordination of the C.A.T. facilitator Mr. Emmanuel Vincent Ilagan. Leaders of all leaders The Vice-President of the Supreme Student Limarc Intia together with the Over-all Group Leader Mark Anthony Maghirang and some students joined the Leadership Training together with the adviser of S.S.G. Mrs. Anilene Valencia. It is a two day training aiming to help the students to become the leaders of leaders.. (this year 2011 a new officer shall be made)

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Barangay Fiesta Traditionally they celebrate Fiesta on the 26th Day of November and before the day of Fiesta the different schools in Del Remedio perform every night to show their devotion to their Patron Nuestra Seora Delos Remedios.All participants give their best shots to show their hidden talents. It is led by our Brgy.Chairman Napoleon "Nap" Calatraba together with the Councilors.They are the one who is responsible for maintaining the peace and order during and even after the program. (note: this is always done by the students of Del Remedio National High School) Del Rem Gazzette "Del Rem Gazzette" won 2nd place and 3rd place respectively on the Division School Press Conference. English and Filipino Staffers were now preparing for the Regional School Press Conference.A big thanks for our city councilor for helping the school in its expenses for publishing the school paper. (note: the EIC and other staffs of school media affairs joined many curricular activities and it is still ongoing.) The Bridge for Higher Education students a comfortable room for better learning.Mayor Vic Amante and the City Government released the needed money for the materials of the said building.It is expected to be finish this coming December. Here are the draft for the calendar of activities Draft: Calendar of Activities August Buwan ng wika September STRAA October Acquaintance and extra curricular activities November unfilled (maybe the curricular planners are still working for it maybe festivities is present) December December 16 18 end of class January Fiesta Gallore February Junior and Senior Prom and completing the graduation requirements.

courtesy by: Mr. Roldan C. Acquin Principal

Your Analysis

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How important is involvement of all stakeholders of the school in the schools programs and activities? without the stakeholders the school programs may not achieved, first the learners as center of the curriculum, teachers as curriculum developers and implementers, principal as manager and the administrators, parents as supporters to the curriculum, and the community members as curriculum resources. If we look the angles of a school as a village the stakeholders are considered the pot of curriculum. What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school? Principle of Mutual aid it describe and justifies the cooperation among members in a school curriculum, cooperation is meant by proper guidance and group interest that binds to achieve their desired goals or aims.\\\

The moment of cooperation was clearly describe when we the social science majors hold a seminar regarding family planning I strictly adhere the fun and excitement because we plan and implement the curriculum and to achieve it with good outcomes despite the enjoyment we, especially I share the burden of handling responsibilities. Thoughts: I now appreciate the role of every stakeholders that compose the schools, and regarding stakeholders they also have proper planning on how to execute such activities, and as a learner Im also a stakeholder, I enrolled in this institution and doing my role as a student of LSPU.

Peace Concept on Focus: Interconnectedness All life forms on earth are connected to each other for mutual support. This is recognition that each one of us, being members of the society needs other people for our own needs. No one can claim that he does not need other people to survive as a human person.

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Preparation tips

FS 4

For my task: 8. Contact groupmates 9. Talk with FS teacher

Episode 5 Collect & Critique

Name: Carie Justine P. Estrellado Course: BSEd Resource teacher: Mr. Eric Valladolid Your Target
At the end of this episode, you should be able to explain the importance of the curriculum through reflections from the observations made about it as used by the teacher.

Preparation tips : 1. Review your understanding of the principles and theories of curriculum development by reading your bulleted notes in episode 3 of this FS. 2. Note down the curriculum elements you wish to give more attention to when you will soon analyze the syllabus. 3. Share your notes with your classmates and FS teacher, and get their comments or suggestions.

Your Map
In your observation, please do the following steps: 1. Revisit the school and request the teacher to show you a syllabus of a particular subject. 2. Analyze the syllabus in terms of the following: a. Topic b. Learning activities c. Assessment of learning 3. Interview a teacher on the process of preparing the syllabus, giving attention to the following: a. Challenges b. Resources needed c. Planning strategies 4. Examine the assessment tools used by critiquing whether or not it is a product based or performance based.

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Your Tools For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below. My Analysis Report (analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to curriculum elements) Date of Observation: August 11 - 12, 2011, Thursday & Friday Subject observed: 2 - A The Topic ASIAN HISTORY Aralin 14 Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, pp. 101 107 Layunin Naipapaliwanag ang isang pahayag tungkol sa kapaligiran Nailalarawan ang kinalaman ng nabanggit na pahayag sa mga bansang Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, at Afghanistan Naiibigay ang kaalaman hinggil sa pagkakaiba ng Israel sa iba pang bansang nabanggit Naiibigay ang opinion hinggil sa katayuan ng Israel sa Rehyon. Learning of activities Note: this topic is not yet utilized by the Resource teacher because he just want us to know and see the content of syllabus or lesson , yet it is a plan and also ready for revision, because the lesson was not available because they recently passed it to the principal. But sir, Valladolid gives us a cues on how he will utilized this particular lesson Motivation: students will be divided into 5 groups, heterogeneous type of collaboration And they will present their ideas regarding their choice and write down in the board Assessment of learning

Socratic Method And 1 10 items objective type of test Ipaliwanag ang pahayag na... Ang Israel ay isang Disyerto The method of assessing is not clearly define maybe because the learning activities is so broad but through assessment it is to narrowed And as I examine the whole scenario the topic is performance based.

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On my analysis, the topic is very oriented and it does not focus on one idea, since cluster is sometimes good but it will consume adequate time and broad Then, he will get draw 3 students to deliver the report and likely they will explain it And the additional information of the topic will be lay down by the teacher through discussion. (e.g. itanong sa mga mag aaral ang kahulugan ng terorismo, sabay sa pagpapakita ng mga larawang dulot ng terorismo) If we analyze the learning activities, I think it will suit to the interest of the learners since 2 A are less in spoon feeding, interactions are necessary to them, so I agree with his plan.

My Interview Report (analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to curriculum elements) Name of Teacher Interviewed: Mr. Valladolid Grade/Year Level & Section of Class Handled: 4 - C School: Del Remedio National High School Date of Interview: August 12, 2011, Friday Interviewer: Carie Justine P. Estrellado (the interview hold on 2:55 p.m.) NOTE: the observer laid on the quoted verbatim of the interviewee to

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emphasize the thoughts and authenticity of report. Challenges Para mai stablish ang lesson kailangan talagang i- monitor yung interest at ideology ng mga bata Kailangan pate ora Mismo may ideya ka nang isasalpak bago mo Makita yung particular topic, kasi kung mag aaral ka pa, well expect that it will be time consuming on your part Congruency ang iniaa lot ko para mabilis yung paggawa Resources Needed Sa paggawa naman ng lesson plan, resources must also meet para ma determine mo yung mga instructional materials na gagamitin May values ngang tinatawag na resourcefulness which yung teacher as a guidance ay meron din instruments na kailangan hawakan dahil isa rin yung determinants o ebidensya ng pagkatuto Planning Strategies Ito ang pinaka interest ko dahil sa paggawa ko ng lesson plan pati yung materials na gagamitin ay dapat magkakonekta. Kalimitan ng nilalagay ko sa plano ay hindi rin naman na susunod kaya on the spot ako kung mag isip kasi maganda rin yun para may choices ka

Your Analysis How important is it for teachers and curriculum planners to anchor their curricular plans to specific theories and principles of curriculum development? In a straight answer, when the teacher and other curriculum planners made a plan with respect to the connections to the principles and theories then we expect that the outcome will be meet the desirable conditions.

Aside from the teachers, who else should be involved in the curriculum planning? Expound your thoughts.

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Certainly, the school staffs; the guidance counsellor, librarian the heads, principals, parents, LEARNERS and all members of the faculties and through this ever evolving planning that what makes a school to be. Curriculum is not as simple as it gets as a learner we do not consider the norms as curriculum but curriculum as a norm in an institution, other stakeholders are also involved without noticing like the DENR, LGU, PRC, etc. And some NGOs, the Engineer particularly of designing various buildings, nurses and medical employess, business, because school has many business to do financially even doing the revenues of firm.

Reflection From your FS experiences, take a look into your significant learning and personal reflection. Express it in a simple poem. Then share it with your classmates and your FS teacher. Look and analyze with ease By : Cariedad I From ounce a prosecutor stood He compel to look someone As a dash of pen He write some awkward. II Then again, the prosecutor mentioned A bad to critique He swear to bully With no feeling risk. III He walk, lay his hand straight upward

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He ask a child Why you so behave wayward? I may give you black reward. IV As he made home The prosecutor remember He forgot to mention To ask sober.

Explanation: in central concept it is hard to administer a plan without clarifying important moral impediments. And it is a great challenge in assessment of learning and some learning activities, the prosecutor was blind in restraining someones competencies and likely he finally realize it when he felt in comfort home describe the enjoyment and relaxation. Thoughts: would be this is my one of favourite poem since I made FS 3 last semester well I readily mentioned that this episode is my favourite because it retaliates the things I wish to consider like making poem and interview a teacher

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FS 4
BSED, Social Science major Your Target



Resource Teacher: Mrs. Estrella Roo

At the end of this activity, you should be able to give some principles involved in designing a curriculum. Your Map

2, take note of the different learning environment provided in the lesson plan for specific subject area. Generate information on the 1 visit a school and following: choose a class to be objectives, strategies, observed. Then arrange with the teacher that you and assessment tools used. are going to conduct a class observation.

3. find out whether or not strategies are aligned with the objectives and assessment of learning. Make a matrix of information from the observations made.

4. reflect on your FS experience and share thoughts, insights, and feelings in class

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ur Your Tools For this episode, please use the activity form provided for you below.
Preparational tips: For my FS task: 1. 2. Contact groupmates Talk with FS teacher

MY OBSERVATION REPORT Carie Justine P. Estrellado Del Remedio National High School Year level: 2 A Subject observed: Araling Panlipunan II Teacher Objectives: (batayang aklat, pp. 69 73, takdang panahon: 2 araw) 1. Nailalarawan ang kalagayan pang ekolohiya ng asia; 2. Nailalahad ang kasalukuyang katayuan ng yamang likas ng asia; 3. Naiipaliwang ang kahalagahan ng sustinableng paglilinang ng kapaligiran; 4. Naihahayag ang mga salik na sanhi ng mga suliraning pangkapaligiran. Describe the Strategies: The teacher used discussion and inquiry approach to stabilize students interest, however it still made boring to them since the environment is not conducive enough for learning and the strategies is not directly emphasizing the core topic because some students are shifting the topic from non sense discussion still Mrs. Rono took the discussion simple to complex , and focusing on how students will generalize the problem. Describe the assessment tools used: The teacher used paper pencil test, it is compose of 15 items, moderately difficult and teacher made test. She used identification (1 5), explanation not more than 2 sentences (6 10), and illustrative test (11 15) in where students will illustrate a clean environment). Limited time for 15 minutes.




Review your understanding of the principles and theories of curriculum development by reading your bulleted notes in episode 3 of this FS. Note down the curriculum elements you wish to give more attention to when you will soon analyze the syllabus. Share your notes with your classmates and FS teacher, and get their comments or suggestions.

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I just dont understand why teachers need to have objectives, strategies, and assessment tools.

Remarks Strategies Assessment (write your personal (describe the (describe the judgment on the strategies used by the assessment method/s objectives, strategies, teacher) & tool/s used) and assessment On first minute the My cooperating In direct answer teacher used teacher utilized also regarding personal 1. Nailalarawan discussion to aware some assessment views on objectives ang kalagayan the students about procedure first she it was concise and pang ekolohiya the environment in asks students if they definite and I dont ng asia; Del Remedio, then really understood the have to question it she took to bridge lesson If I remember since it is articulated the topic in the she asked more than in the subject Philippines that 3 questions then a curriculum. 2. Nailalahad ang eventually transfer teacher made test kasalukuyang to inquiry approach was used she said About the strategies, katayuan ng which also the that students should well all I can say she yamang likas ng teachers technique get sheet of paper picked the suitable asia; in delivering social and before she strategy but it did science matters, after started she arranged not took effect then, some students the seating sincerely I respect especially in the arrangements my cooperating 3. Naiipaliwang front seats because some teacher but in this ang kahalagahan participate since students might condition on how ng sustinableng Mrs. Rono ask many cheat. Then with a she used the strategy paglilinang ng question for the total of 15 items - lack of kapaligiran; students to expound paper pencil test, coordination and further the problem it is compose of 15 management so I then my cooperating items, moderately rarely she deals with teacher shift to more difficult and teacher it. 4. Naihahayag ang complex problem made test. She used mga salik na about ecology on identification (1 And about the

Objectives (write down the teachers learning objectives)

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sanhi ng mga suliraning pangkapaligiran. asia, also she introduce a little concept teaching even students are not aware that they are doing conversation or argumentative solving, moreover Mrs. Roo facilitated the discussion fairly without hesitating the different opinions of her learners. Inasmuch she never forgets to prepare paraphernalia so for those students who dont have a book can follow the discussion. 5), Explanation not more than 2 sentences (6 10), and illustrative test (11 15) in where students will illustrate a clean environment). Limited time for 15 minutes. After then they check there own paper most students got the perfect score. assessment procedure my only comment is that checking their own paper is not mentioned in the objectives and it decreases the consistency of scores and invalid in nature. No offense.

Your Analysis Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies, and assessment? A teacher needs to have an objective, strategies and assessment to make valid, just and reliable to learning conditions: Objectives is the learning target; Strategies & Techniques is how the subject will be deliver to the learner and; Assessment is a systematic process of getting information about students performance. Without it there will be no learning and it will end up in worthless. How should teachers align their objectives, strategies, and assessment? Suggest some strategies.

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It is better to consider some aspects like the environment, level of behaviour, intellectual achievements of learner and the resources availability, my style of preparing those systems are simple, we should vision or infer what will be the outcome and brainstorm will be a great help and write down in a neat paper and thats it ready to rear. REFLCETIONS What has been your most meaningful experience in this episode? What makes it meaningful to you? How could such an experience help you become a better teacher? Well first and foremost I would like to thank the reality the teachers, classmates, and the institution that I had hold this observation. This question marks the most difficult question I ever answered of all the field study units so when it comes to the meaningful experience being observed also by my cooperating teacher is worth a great wonderful experience since through wandering the sacrifices and hindrances in this subject I stood as helding myself as a teacher in response to the observation and comments of the faculty and it helped me a lot ascertaining that this profession that I taken is the right choice. And as the end of all F.S. and episode as well those experience will reflect in time and there will come that the episodes that I took will reiterate on my in service time. Thoughts: the final episode is a seed that I sowed in my premier career, so I really expect that to know, to gain, to train and to understand what ponders most during and after this profession. And exploring the curriculum is not new to everyone the case is that not all are aware of it so it is a challenge to be one of the curriculum planners.

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