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Advertising and Promotion

Chapter 1

Belch & Belch, 8th ed.

A strategic business process used to plan develop, execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable and persuasive brand communications programs over time with consumers, customers, prospects, employees, associates and other targeted internal and external audiences. The goal is to generate both short-term financial returns and build long-term brand and shareholder value.

Promotional/Communication Mixes

Classifications of Advertising

Advertising to Consumer Markets

National Retail/Local Primary vs. Selective Demand

Advertising to Business Markets

Business to Business Professional Trade

IMC Audience Contact Tools

Broadcast media (TV/radio) Out-of-home media Personal selling Print media (newspapers/ma gazines) Public relations/publicity Internet/interactiv e Direct marketing

Target audience

Sales promotion

Point ofpurchase (displays, packaging)

Word of mouth

Events and sponsorships

Product placements

IMC Planning Model

Top Ten Advertisers

US Measured Advertising Spending by Media

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