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*******AUTOzero.LSP by Peter Landeck all rights reserved 1997******* WHAT AUTOzero.LSP DOES: AUTOzero.

LSP changes the Z coordinate for selected LINES , POLYLINES, TEXT 3DFACE entities and ARCS to 0 in the WCS. USE: This is useful if you draw or model in 3 dimensions but wish to view the d rawing in 2 dimensions. Also useful for drawings created as a composit of 2 dra wings (1 inserted to the other) which were not created on the same plane or in t he same UCS/WCS. Lines drawn between 2 such drawings ofton look to be in 1 plan e when viewed in 2 dimensions. But, are really "cats-cradle" constructions when viewed in 3 dimensions. Also useful, when exporting a drawing to 3DStudio. INSTALLING AND LOADING: To install place the AUTOzero.LSP file in one of your a utocad directories, such as the ACAD/SUPPORT directory. To load, type (LOAD "AU TOzero") at the autocad command line, including the parentheses and the quotatio n marks. The user should then be prompted at the Autocad command line to type A Z to run AUTOzero.LSP. AZ may be typed at anytime during the Autocad drawing se ssion. After typing AZ the user will be prompted to select entities for process ing with AUTOzero.LSP. AUTOLOCK: AUTOzero.LSP is limited to 10 demonstration uses afterwhich the lsp r outine will cease to function. The user must pay a registration fee of $20 in e xchange for an unlimited use copy of AUTOzero.LSP. To register kindly contact P eter Landeck at the following email address: The author of this lsp routine accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or d amage of any kind to the users drawing files. Kindly make a backup copy of your drawings files before running this program.

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