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2011 Examination (Language Centre)

Arabic: Level One (Standard)
Instructions to candidates
This paper constitutes 20% of your final mark
Time allowed: 60 minutes
This paper contains 2 sections. Each section is given equal weight.
Dictionaries are not allowed in this examination.

The following elements are also included in your final mark:

Final Oral Assessment which is conducted in class (30%)
Continuous Assessment (50%)


LSE Number

LSE 2011/LN701

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A) Below each of the following pictures, complete the sentence with an appropriate
adjective. Use only one adjective for each sentence.




LSE 2011/LN701

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B) Complete using one of the options between brackets



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LSE 2011/LN701

Tell us (50 words) :
about yourself
your job/studies
your family
your city and
your activities (what did you do yesterday and/or what do you usually do)


LSE 2011/LN701

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