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Adam Worthington Human Biology 10/6/2013

Chapter 6-9 taking sides: E-Portfolio Assignment (Reflective Writing) -Genetic Enhancement is An Unacceptable Use of TechnologyWe all live in a world where self-improvement is highly looked upon. Recent scientific studies have shown progress towards genetically enhancing humans in the respective elements; sex selection, muscle makeup, height, memory, along with many other human enhancements are being uncovered. I firmly believe that genetically enhancing a child before being born is an unacceptable use of technology. When we talk about making life changing decisions for innocent unborn human beings we consequently have the issue of abusing unanimated objects. At first I thought it would be a useful tool to genetically enhance humans before they are born but after reading the text I came to the new opinion that it isnt our responsibility to decide how our child is going to be born. We cannot sit around debating on what would be the genetic quality we would like our children to have, instead of what our children naturally should be given. We cannot play God and throw Natural Selection out of site. Creating life is something that is natural and it should remain in that course by letting Natural Selection stay Natural.

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