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(seat Saar Re Satie From: Erick Erickson]> To: “Joe! Sawyer"> Date: 6/22!2008 8:31:28 PM Subject: Re: Statement ‘Thanks. Ifthe wants something more personal for the blog to push back, I'm happy to help, but I'l get this up now. Obviously he's got more than just the usual suspects trying to make hay out of this and we're big fens. ce On Jun 22, 2008, at 8:23 PM, Joel Sawyer wrote, Eick = Nachama said you'd emailed ner. Our statement is below: ‘The governor put in a lot of time during this last legislative session, and alter the session winds down i's not uncommon for him to {90 out of pocket for a few days at a time to clear his head. Obviously, that's going to be somewhat out of the question this time given the attention this particular absence has gotten. Before leaving last week, he let stat know his whereabouts and that he'd be difficult to reach. Should any emergencies arise between the times in Which he checks in, our staff would obviously be in contact with other state officials as the situation warrenis before making eny decisions. Joe! Sawyer Office of the Governor Grif Jenkins “Jenkins, Grif” ‘OXNEWS.COM> ‘Joo! Sawyer’ 6/23/2009 11:25:41 AM RE: Strat Room with Griff Jenkins Hey Joel - Just a fast update - | have an hour again this aftemoon frm 4-5p. If the Gov does an interview ‘and its exclusive, it will make air on the tv channel and our radio news service all across the country. And ''m not sure if you've seen the stuff | do on the channel as a reporter, but | work mostly for our primetime coverage - Oreilly, Hannity, Greta, Beck ~ so there would likely be primetime coverage as well for some. soundbites of the Gov dispelling this fap... -Original Message. From: Joel Sawyer [ Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:29 AM To: Jenkins, Griff Subject: Re: Strat Room with Griff Jenkins Thanks Griff! | appreciate the invite, and we'll see what we can do, Joel Sawyer Communications Director Office of Gov. Mark Sanford work cell 47 - fax >>> Jenkins, Gr” [III -oxweWs CON 6722/2000 828 AM >> Joel - Good to talk to you - | would like to get the Gov to call in TODAY for 5-10 min between 10-11a to be on the Strategy Room (FOX News' live streaming channel) to set the record straight on the hiking story Having known the Governor for years and even worked with him when he would host radio shows for me = | find this story and the media frenzy surrounding it to be absolutely ridiculous! Please ave nem my best He can cate Pe sh IMI ou on wt ta sew foxes comp a AROENE. have Cd mY senor producer, Jordan here 36 wel, best Get Gif Jonkns Coresponden FOX News Channel cel! iB Spat Si From: “Tapper, Jake" SEI c com> To: “Joel Sawyer" Date: 6/23/2009 11:34:25 AM Subject: NBC spot was slimy For the record, | think the TODAY Show spot was pretty insulting, MEREDITH: THE UNKNOWN WHEREABOUTS OF THAT STATE'S GOVERNOR FOR SEVERAL DAYS. TURNS OUT HE'S HIKING. SO WHY DIDN'T ANYONE KNOW WHERE HE WAS. GOING? NBC IS IN COLUMBIA WITH THE STORY. MIKE, GOOD MORNING TO YOU. Reporter: GOOD MORNING, MEREDITH. IT'S A MYSTERY SOLVED. ATER DROPPING OUT OF SIGHT LATE LAST WEEK THE GOVERNOR WITH A REPUTATION OF ALONE WOLF, IT TURNS OUT, HE WAS SIMPLY OUT FOR ALONG WALK. BUT OFFICIALS HERE IN THE STATE CAPITAL OF COLUMBIA ARE STILL WONDERING WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE STATE WHILE THE GOVERNOR IS GONE. FOR FOUR DAYS, THE ONLY SIGN OF SOUTH CAROLINA'S GOVERNOR WAS A CELL PHONE PING, PICKED UP IN ATLANTA. AND A TWITTER MESSAGE SENT ON HIS ACCOUNT IN THE PREDAWN HOURS: OF SUNDAY. HIS WIFE, VACATIONING AT THE BEACH WITH THEIR FOUR SONS, SAID SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHERE HE WAS. BUT THAT SHE WASN'T CONCERNED. AND IT WASN'T CLEAR IF EVEN ‘SANFORD'S STAFF KNEW EXACTLY WHERE HE WAS, AND HOW THEY COULD. REACH HIM IN AN EMERGENCY. THE CONTRADICTING STORIES LEFT FELLOW LAWMAKERS CONFUSED AND CRITICAL OF THE GOVERNOR. HIS LOVED ONES DON'T KNOW WHERE HE'S AT. HIS OFFICE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE HE'S AT. AND OTHER PEOPLE THAT ARE RANKING IN ELECTED OFFICE IN SOUTH CAROLINA CAN'T GET IN TOUCH WITH HIM. THAT'S WHERE THE REAL CONCERN KICKS IN. Reporter: IT WAS LAST THURSDAY WHEN SANFORD, A RISING STAR IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, GOT IN A STATE-OWNED VEHICLE AND DROVE AWAY FROM THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION, ALONE AND WITHOUT HIS. POLICE DETAIL. LEAVING STATE OFFICIALS AND THE PUBLIC IN THE DARK. >> THIS WAS A GOVERNOR WHO WAS ESTABLISHED A NAME FOR HIMSELF FOR MARCHING TO THE BEAT OF HIS OWN DRUMMER. >> Roporter: AS THE MYSTERY DEEPENS, SANFORD’S OFFICE FINALLY PUT OUT A STATEMENT EXPLAINING THAT THE GOVERNOR WAS TAKING SOME TIME OUT OF THE OFFICE THIS WEEK TO RECHARGE AFTER A TOUGH FIGHT WITH THE ‘STATE LEGISLATURE. BUT BY LATE MONDAY AFTER INQUIRIES FROM LOCAL OFFICIALS AND NATIONAL MEDIA CONTINUED TO. POUR IN THE GOVERNOR'S SPOKESMAN REPORTED THAT SAN FORD HAS GONE WEST. THE GOVERNOR IS HIKING THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL, THE STATEMENT READ, ADDING | WANT TO EMPHASIZE THAT THIS ISNT SOMETHING THAT EITHER THE STAFF OR MRS, SANFORD 1S CONCERNED ABOUT. MEREDITH, IT TURNS OUT THAT THE GOVERNOR HAD TURNED OFF HIS CELL PHONE AND PDA, ESSENTIALLY TELLING HIS STAFF, DON'T CALL ME, ILL CALL YOU. BUT ASSUMING THAT HE DOES RETURN HERE TO THE STATE CAPITOL SAFE AND SOUND, THE NEXT QUESTION BECOMES, WHAT DOES THIS DO TO

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