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A2 First Assessment: Sep 2013 General

Name: Daniel


Slow starts to the year but you are beginning to show signs of catching up and moving your photography forward. A successful A2 photography student must demonstrate both independence and drive it is essential that you really start to push yourself to achieve the grade that you are capable of. Assessment Criteria Feedback AO band Covered
AO1 An incomplete leaflet task, you have clearly thought about the layout and design of one di leaflets but it would have been good to see some more observations and the fact you have been to exhibitions to find them shows a commitment to the task. Your research demonstrates youre fluent ability to glean significant information from your chosen sources. A very well thought out and executed task that will stand out as an example to future students well done. Some really strong images her Daniel the shot of James looking out of the tent is very strong. However you must make sure that you are taking more images and when you do you need to put them all up on your weebly. The examiner needs to see all your visual thought processes and they do this by seeing all your pictures. It is a shame that you didnt undertake the second part of the summer brief that would have involved you created a storey that you had pre-visualised. As yet no work so unable to give a mark AO1: Competent

Practical Work and Gallery responses.


AO1: Confident AO3: confident

Observational Starting Points Research Starting Points


AO3: NA AO2: NA AO1:

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