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A2 First Assessment: Sep 2013 General

Name: Joe

Task Leaflet

Practical Work and Gallery responses.


A very good start to the year, you have created a body of work that shows clear cohesion between the two part s of unit 3. Your visual work is strong but you must make sure all visual documentation is clearly visible to be able to see fully your thought processes. Assessment Criteria Feedback AO band Covered AO1 A good leaflet task, you have clearly thought AO1: Fluent about the layout and design of different leaflets and the fact you have been to exhibitions to find them shows a commitment to the task. Your research demonstrates youre a confident ability to glean significant information from your chosen sources. However You need to put your final design up on weebly as at present it looks incomplete. AO1 Your initial sports day shots are excellent and AO1: basic AO3 give the viewer a real insight into the day. The AO3: confident different angles and focal points all add to this being a strong body of work. The journey works well you have clearly thought out and pre-visualised the images before you have taken them. I think you could have potentially gone even further with the distorted reality latter on in the series but on the whole a good body of work. The documentary series is not as strong you shown us the journey to the site but we dont see any of the actual event! It is rather disappointing that you have not completed all the tasks set for you in the summer and this is demonstrated by your lack of gallery responses. AO3 Excellent work the photograph that you have AO3: Confident

Starting Points


taken of the homeless man is outstanding. I would like it if you could put all your shots up on weebly this just enables the examiner an insight into your visual thought process. Also you should put up the work of Micheal Heffernan as a contextual reference. I am really pleased that you have responded so well to the brief set in class.

AO2: Fluent

Research Starting Points



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