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Tobacco Use and Its Effects on the Periodontium and Periodontal Therapy

The Journal of contemporary dental proactice Vandana K. Ranuch TAK ID: 555130017-3

Aim: to present a review of the potential biological mechanisms underlying the effects of tobacco smoking on periodontal health & periodontal therapy US Surgeon Generals reported in 1964
Smoking causes lung cancer Associated with cardiovascula disease

Epidemiological research indicates tobacco related with incidence and prevalence of medical problems
Cancer, low birth weight, pulmonary, CVS & GI disease

Gelesky reported that smoking is a true risk factor for periodontitis

Other studies reported that

Smoking associated with increasing PD, CAL

1.1 billion smokers worldwide

182 million (16.6%) live in india (age rank 13 -15 years)

34% smoke Bidis 31% regular cigarete 35% smokless tobaco

Smoking & ANUG

Smoking is related to ANUG reported since 1947 Preexisting gingivitis + emotional/psychic stress + smoking predisposing factor of disease Karadaci notes
Release epinephrine contraction of peripheral vx Reduce blood flow gingiva

Interaction bt Smoking and Systemic Health Status

In Eric County Pennsylvania study
DM with smoking age > 45 year P.gingivalis, T.forsythesis 30times loss of attachment Bone loss in AIDS & HIV serotype patient

Age, Sex & Cigarette Smoking

Carranza reported Female 20 39 & Male 30 59 years
Twice time to become periodontitis edentulous

Cigarette smoking & Oral Health

Increase oral debris and plaque in smoker>non smoke

Smoker tends to lack of OHI

Oral Flora
Smoker>non smoke of putative bacteria No significant subgingival microflora

Subgingival microflora in Periodontits of smoking pt

A. actinomycetemcommintans, P.gingivalis and T.forsthesis E.coli and Candida albicans

Effect of smoking on periodontal tissue

Smoking reduce gingiva inflammation Inhibited fibroblast growth Smoking Increase risk of tooth loss
IL-1 + smoking 7.7 time

Increase clinical parameter

Soft & hard tissue grafting
Less root coverage 57% vs non smoking 78%

Implant failure 0%-17%

Smoking is a true risk factor of periodontitis
Significant increase progressing of periodontal disease Causing poor response to periodontal therapy

Smoking with environmental factor and genetic factor

Increase risk of susceptible to periodontal disease

Both clinicians and patients should concern during

Active periodontal therapy Health maintenance

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