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©, LLC June 2009


The typical visual field defect in lesions at various sites in the optic
pathways are summarized in Fig.

· At the level of the optic nerve - unilateral blindness

· At the middle of the optic chiasma - bitemporal hemianopia.

· At the lateral aspect of the optic chiasma - unilateral nasal hemianopic

defects; if the pressure is bilateral - bilateral nasal hemianopic defect.

· In the posterior part of the optic chiasma when the pressure is from the
inferior aspect bitemporal scotoma.

· At the level of the optic tract and geniculate body incongruous incomplete
homonymous hemianopia.

· The optic radiation in the temporal lobe - incongruous homonymous

superior quadrantic defect.

· The optic radiation in the temporal lobe - incongruous homonymous

inferior quadrantic defect.

· The optic radiation in the posterior portion congruous homonymous

hemianopia with macular sparing.

· In the mid-portion of the calcarine cortex contralateral loss of the temporal


· At the tip of the occipital lobe - congruous homonymous hemianopic


· Anterior tip of calcarine fissure - contralateral loss of the temporal crescent

with otherwise normal visual fields.
Must remember

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