Lesson Plan Daily Economics Form 5

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Anna Phoong Chee San KK0970030

LESSON PLAN TRADE DAILY ECONOMICS FORM 5 Date/Day Time Class No.students Subject Title/ Topic : : : : : 12-04-2012 ( Thursday ) 10:40am-11:20am (40minutes) 5E1 20 boys, 25 girls : Economics Money and Financial Institutions 4.1a) Definition of Money and Types of Money Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students will be able: i. ii. iii. Previous knowledge Moral Value Teaching Methods : : : Accurately describes the concept of money Lists the problems encountered in the barter system. Tell the difference between coins, banknotes and deposits. Students have been exposed to the purpose and role of Money. Respect teachers, confidence, cooperation, care, rational Power Point slides, computer, LCD projector,textbooks, Reference book & exercise question papers.

Steps/ Time Set Induction (5 mins)

Content Introduction

Teachers and students Activities Teachers activities: a) Teachers calm the situation by asking all students to keep quiet. i. ii. iii. i. ii. iii. Teacher play the song namedduit by M-Nasir Singer. Teacher asks students to the topics to be studied today.. Teacher relates learning situation with the title. Students begin to take place and not make noise. Students listen with great interest. Students ready to study.

Strategies / methods / Value Strategies: Teacher and students centered Methods: Radio Value: Respect Teacher & Rational

Students Activities:

Step 1 (10 minit)

Eplain: i. Meaning of Money ii. History of using Money

Teacher Activities: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. i. ii. With the help of power point slides, teachers say the purpose of Money. Teacher asks students to read the power point slides. Teachers ask students to copy notes. Teacher explains the history of how the people using money. Teacher shows a picture of the money. Teacher asks students understanding. Students listen to the explanation given by the teacher while copying notes. Students answer questions based on the understanding of teachers.

Strategies: Teacher-centered Methods: Slide power point&computer Value: Respect teacher & concerntration

Students Activities:

Step 2 (7 mins)

Explaining System Barter

iii. Students ask questions to the teacher if the lack of understanding. Teacher Activities: Strategies: i. ii. iii. iv. i. Teacher asks students to read the power point slides Teacher explains the problem in the barter system by using the chart. Teacher display a printed example of old Money. Teacher ask students few questions. Students focus on teacher explanation while write notes. Teacher-centered Methods: Slide power point & computer Value: Respect teacher, concerntration

Students Activities:

ii. Step 3 (7 mins) Explaining the Types of Money

Students ask questions to the teacher if the lack of understanding. Strategies: Teacher-centered Methods: Slide power point dan computer Value: Respect teacher, concerntration Strategies: Teacher and students centered Methods : Questions paper, slide power point, computer Value: Respect teacher, care

Teacher Activities: i. ii. i. ii. iii. With the help of power point slides, teacher explains the types of Money. Teacher explains the features of each type of money. Students focus on teacher description. Students copy notes. Students are asked what is less clear and to ask the teacher to Students Activities:

Step 4 (6 mins)

Strengthening activities

repeat again, if not quite understand Teacher Activities: i. ii. iii. . Students Activities: i. ii. Students entering the respective groups. Students answer the question asked by teacher. Teacher divides students into two groups Teacher ask questions to students. Teacher give rewards to the most answered questions.

Closure (5 mins)


Teacher Activities: i. ii. First, Teacher make a summary of the day learning Teacher ask students complete the notes and prepare for the next

Strategies: Teacher and students centered

topic and make the initial referral. Students Activities: i. ii. iii. Students make conclusions on what has been learned. Students listen to the summary given by the teacher. Students complete teacher instructions which is complete the note and prepare for the next topic.

Methods: Slide power point, computer Value: Respect teacher, care

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