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Promote design and layouts which are safe and take account of public health, crime prevention and

community safety considerations..

K.CHITHRA REG. NO.112011201002 1 M.Arch I year II semester


Secured by Design and highlights the need for natural surveillance and the creation of active neighborhood through the design and layout of buildings, a mix of dwelling types and the creation of connected movement networks. One key objective for the planning of new housing is to secure high quality sustainable places where people choose to live needs, to be placed on the quality of design and planning. Designing for community safety and security, adopt crime prevention measures in creating a safer and more secure environment. This implies to all forms of development and to public spaces

In appropriate design features we Consider and facilitate natural surveillance create a sense of ownership responsibility for the development anti-social behavior secure vehicle parking, adequate lighting of communal areas, fostering a sense of ownership of the environment, control of access to individual and common curtilages, defensible space landscape design supporting natural surveillance. Marketing opportunity

Designing for Community Safety - Core Principles

1 Integrated approach -responsible for design and site layout on behalf of developer. 2 Environmental quality and sense of ownership poor environment: alienation and fear well-designed environment: community cohesion anonymity site management role of landscape design 3 Natural surveillance 4 Access and footpaths planning issues access design and escape routes perceptions of safety footpaths and cycleways road design 5 Open space provision and management amenity open space long term management 6 Lighting research on lighting and crim, variety of lighting sources. e

Environmental features High accessibility Clear indoor-outdoor connections Safe paving Good maintenance Round-trip walkways Choice Of Comfortable Sitting Areas With Appealing Views. There was strong correlation between outdoor usage, Walking Physical activity Environmental satisfaction and Self reported health of the residents By better understanding specific features that promote outdoor usage, environmental designers may significantly impact the health and well-being of a growing population of frail elderly residents.

Seven core principles most commonly cited environmental issues

1. Indoor-outdoor connections 2. Contact with the world beyond the facility 3. Safety and security 4. Comfort and accessibility 5. Freedom, choice and variety 6. Enjoyment of nature 7. Place for activity

Architecture as an art effect comprises the following components:

1) the spatial envelope or skin which, by its closings off and openings, opacities and transparencies defines 2) internal space, whose attributes are determined by the nature of the skin (light, sounds, temperature, smells, diverse possibilities of movement and visibility), distinguished from 3) the external space to which internal space relates according to the attributes of the skin (any orifices or transparencies).

Various solutions articulate internal and external space by means of the skin
1) closing / opening to the movement of people (relates to the physical relation between places) 2) opacity / transparency to view (relates to visual perception of inside and outside)

Beneficial effect on the health of older adults encouraging them to more spend time outdoors find cost-effective ways to promote and maintain health in older adults Having access to nature and the outdoors is widely considered to be therapeutic for elderly residents in long-term care settings. Recently, research is beginning to confirm that older adults who spend time outdoors may derive health benefits such as better sleeping patterns, less pain, decreased urinary incontinence and verbal agitation, better recovery from disability, and even increased longevity

House extension

Pool area on Terrace

Build a discuss to have a leisurely position in your home. Snorkeling is a fun social and personal action. Having your own discuss leads to high value to your home, as you no longer need to go elsewhere to get fun in the outside. It gives you affordable to get time with friends and family affiliates


useless terrace into a garden much cold around reduce your stress positive disposition and keep you in fantastic emotions beautify your home fantastic exercise and enjoyment action physical exercise to control your blood flow and take your mind away from your problems Put outside umbrellas to have a relaxed soothing identify after working free from highly effective sunlight or rainfall drop.


Of Glass and Concrete Internal versus External Space Relations

Preliminary studies by Oscar Niemeyer (left) and Le Corbusier (right) for the United Nations Headquarters, New York.

Saint Francis Church, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte

Ball Room marquee, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte


Of Glass and Concrete Internal versus External Space Relations

Alvorada Palace, Braslia. Main entrance



A public space refers to an area or place that is open and accessible to all citizens, regardless of discrimination of any type. It may be a gathering spot or part of a neighborhood, special district other area within the public realm that helps promote social interaction and a sense of community. Spaces include such as plazas, town squares, parks, marketplaces, public areas and malls, public greens, special areas within convention centers, sites within public buildings, lobbies, concourses, or public spaces within private buildings.



Promotes human contact and social activities. Is safe, welcoming and accommodating for all users.

Visually interesting in respect of design and architecture. Promotes community involvement and reflects the local culture or history. Relates well to bordering uses and is well maintained. Has a unique or special character.


Landscape and hardscape features contribute to the unique or special nature of the space. The space accommodates multiple activities and serves the surrounding community. The space utilizes existing topography, vistas or geography and provides for interesting visual experiences. Murals or other public art is incorporated into the space.


Public Amenities Street furnishing should be unified streetscape appearance. Preference should be given to durable materials. Landscape The intrinsic landscape characteristics, for good or ill , of the site. Open space planning the typology hierarchy, function and frequency of existing and desirable facilities. Creating a landscape structure for the site as a whole . The detailed treatment of individual schemes and elements. Landmarks Make it easy to find your way around Emphasis the hierarchy of a place Show the way Create a skyline Detailing of Public place



a. provide quality open space in sufficient quantity and variety to meet the needs of workers, residents, and visitors Give priority to development of two categories of highly valued open space; sunlit plazas and parks. Provide a variety of seating arrangements in open spaces Improve the usefulness of publicity. b. Assure that open spaces are accessible and usable Keep open space facilities available to the public Provide open space that is clearly visible and easily reached from the street or pedestrian way Address the need for human comfort in the design of open space by maximizing wind and minimizing sunshine

c. provide contrast and form by consciously treating open space

Place and arrange open space to complement and structure the urban form b y creating distinct openings in the otherwise dominant street wall Introduce elements of the natural environment in open space to contrast with the builtup environment.


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