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GRADUATE CREDIT COURSE DESCRIPTION Course Title: Sponsoring Agency: Instructors: Audience: Semester Hours: Course Dates: Course

Meeting Times: Topics in Autism: Autism in Literature DoDDS-Europe Chuck York, DoDEA Europe ISS-Autism LeAndra Smith, DoDEA Europe ISS-Autism All Teachers 2.0 October 15, 2013- May 19, 2014 4 book club meetings in October, December, February and April. Specific dates and time will be chosen by the group and reported back to the instructors. Various locations throughout DoDDS-Europe $130 Ashland for 2 credit hours, $150 USD for 2 credit hours

Location: Tuition: Course Code: USD EDCx729E Topics in Autism: Autism in Literature - Ashland 141GW6270 A4 Topics in Autism: Autism in Literature

A. Registration: To register for the course the participants must submit an online registration form located at: University of San Diego - Go to: and create an account if it is your first visit to this site. Then go to 'Affiliations" Go to "DoDEA" find Topics in Autism (they are listed alphabetically). Ashland University:

The registration deadline is October 24, 2013. B. Description: This course will allow participants to gain a deeper understanding of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and learn intervention strategies utilizing a book club format. Participants will read and reflect on 4 books related to Autism through the course of the school year. They will then discuss the book with a Professional Learning Team/Book Club and make connections to their lives and their teaching. A final reflection project will be submitted to the instructor at the end of the course. This course is divided into (4) face to face meetings and will start in October 2013 and end in May 2013. Registration will close October 24, 2013. Final projects are due to the instructor by May 19, 2014. C. Course Outcomes: Participants will increase their understanding of: Autism Spectrum Disorders The impact of ASD on families and communities Strategies that can be implemented into classrooms when working with students with ASD. D. Course Requirements: 1. Read & reflect on the 4 assigned books (see list below). ( 24 hours) 2. Attend a minimum of 3 of the 4 book club discussions. (6 hours) 3. Actively participate in the book club discussion. 4. Complete final book club project. Due to Instructor by May 19, 2014. (2 hours)

Final Project: Participants will choose one of the following activities to complete: Prepare 1 discussion question for each book to share at the book club. Submit all 4 discussion questions along with a short summary of group discussion held on each question you submitted. Choose one of the 4 books and write a 1 page book review in your own words that can be shared with future groups. Compare & contrast 2 of the books you read using a format of your choice. Share a Text-to-Self connection you made by reading these books. Share how these book readings have impacted your teaching practices/interactions with families Recommend another book for a future book club. Provide a summary and your thoughts on why it would be good to read or use for a future book club. Course Materials: The following is the list of books and the order in which we will read them. All book synopses are taken directly from Several of the books can also be found at the base library, as e-books or for Kindle.

Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence by Luke Jackson (mid October 2013)
Have you ever been called a freak or a geek? Have you ever felt like one? Luke Jackson is 13 years old and has Asperger Syndrome. Over the years Luke has learned to laugh at such names but there are other aspects of life which are more difficult. Adolescence and the teenage years are a minefield of emotions, transitions and decisions and when a child has Asperger Syndrome, the result is often explosive. Luke writes briefly about his younger autistic and AD/HD brothers, providing amusing insights into the antics of his younger years and advice for parents, carers and teachers of younger AS children. However, his main reason for writing was because "so many books are written about us, but none are written directly to adolescents with Asperger Syndrome. I thought I would write one in the hope that we could all learn together".

Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Mainstream Classroom: How to Reach and Teach Students With ASDs by Barbara Boroson (Early December 2013)
This engaging and informative book gives you the knowledge you need to understand students with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and the strategies you can use to help them succeed in school. Drawing on her 20 years of experience working with students with ASDs, Barbara Boroson guides you through creating a responsive classroom attuned to the needs of your students with ASDs, and she shares preventive strategies that help head off challenging behavior before it becomes disruptive. She offers suggestions for breaking through to hard-toreach kids, ideas for collaborating with families, and strategies for differentiating instruction to support every student. The end goal is a classroom in which all students feel valued and respected, in which all students can learn and grow.

A Wild Ride Up the Cupboards: A Novel by Ann Bauer (Late February 2014)
Edward is nearly four years old when he begins his slow, painful withdrawal from the world. For those who love him -- his father, Jack; his pregnant mother, Rachel; his younger brother, Matt -the transformation of this happy, intelligent firstborn into a sleepless, feral stranger is a devastating blow, one that will send shockwaves through every nook and cranny of family life.

A Wild Ride Up the Cupboards is the story of Edward's descent into autism, and Rachel and Jack's struggle to sustain their marriage under this unanticipated strain. Threaded through the novel, too, is the tale of Rachel's late uncle Mickey, who may have suffered from a similar disorder during a time when society's notions of parenting, pediatrics, and psychology were dramatically different from today's. As Rachel delves into her own family history in search of answers, flashbacks to Mickey's life afford moving insights into both the nature of childhood trauma and the coping mechanisms that families employ. Carefully crafted and deeply entertaining, A Wild Ride Up the Cupboards reveals the author's remarkable gift for language and offers a striking exploration of domestic life that will resonate with readers everywhere.

Group Choice (late April/Early May)

Each group will be able to choose one additional book or video to read/watch & discuss. The group can choose to all read/watch the same book or to have each member select a book/video of their choice and report out to the group about their chosen selection. A list of recommended books/videos will be provided. E. Schedule: This course is divided into (4) face to face meetings and will start in October 2013 and end in May 2014. Each book club will last 2 hours and will be scheduled by the group. Final projects will be submitted to the instructor by Monday May 19, 2014.

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