The International Student Leadership and Ambassador Program 2

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The International Student Leadership and Ambassador (ISLA) Program 2013 PARTICIPANTS APPLICATION FORM

Thank you for your interest in The International Student Leadership and Ambassador (ISLA) Program 2013. Before you complete this form, please read the project overview and selection criteria and make sure you meet the selection criteria before applying

1. Contact Details and Background information

Personal Details Full Name Address Home phone Email Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Educational Institution Program of Study Year of Enrolment Emergency Details Emergency contact name: Phone n0 : Country of Origin Mobile Phone

Visa Number

2. Selection Criteria( Max 300 words)

a. Tell us about yourself (addressing the selection criteria)

b. Tell us why you want to participate in the International Student Leadership Ambassador Program?

3. Resume
Please attach an up-to-date resume of no more than 3 pages to accompany this application, ensure you include: All relevant community, school, communication and leadership experience The name and contact details (phone number and email address) of at least one referee who can comment on your experience

Please submit your application to:, for further enquiries please contact Susana Ng, Manager Community Development on 02 9246 7874. All submissions are required by 5pm on Sunday 28 April 2013

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