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Vol. VI, No. 11 193d Infantry Brigade(Panama) Wednesday, May 28,1980

The brigade commemorates Memorial Day



SOLEMN SALUTE - With cannor= booming-out the traditional 21-gun salute, and the playing of the Stars anti Stripes Forever, the 193d Inf Bde(Pan) pays homage to fellow soldiers who have fallen in defense of our nation. Representing the 193d at the Memorial Day ceremonies in front of brigade headquarters are members of the 534th MP Co, the 79th Army Band and B-22d FA. The official Sou the r n C 0 m man d ceremonies were held earlier Monday at Corozal Cemetery, with members of Co C, 4(l\Il)-20th Inf firing the "Salute to the Dead."

by SFC Dave Goldie

Flag detail in front of Bldg. 95 Ft. Clayton. 1st Plt 534th MP Co. Spc Gatson (Carmona), Sgt Kerry Johnson, PFC Hodge, and PFC Richter.

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