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Print and answer the quiz below. Name: _____________________ Score: _______

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is an example of a solid turning into another state of matter? a. breaking a chair into pieces b. snow becoming a puddle c. tearing a piece of paper d. water freezing 2. What is it called when matter changes from one state of matter to another? a. water cycle b. heat energy c. physical change d. matter

3. When a liquid changes into a solid, what is it called? a. freeze b. melt c. heat energy d. water cycle

4. If A liquid becomes solid, that solid will not be able to become a liquid again. (HINT: think of ICE) a. True b. False

5. What are the 3 states of matter? a. solid, liquid, mass b. solid, mass, and volume c. solid, liquid, and gas

6. Which states of matter do NOT have a definite shape? a. gas, matter, and solid b. gas and liquid c. solid and liquid 7. Water can become all 3 states of matter. a. True b. False

8. What has a definite shape and volume? a. gas b. liquid c. soild

9. What is anything that takes up space and has mass? a. mass b. volume c. melting d. matter

10. When you heat water, it turns into a. a gas b. a liquid c. a solid

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