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Ok. SoIm just going to start at the beginning. Explain how the world I live in came into place.

At the beginning of 2534, on March sixth, the day that the world had been waiting for had officially arrived. For the past few decades, protests, marches, and debates had been taking place all over Earth. Their cause was one of peace. Complete peace. World peace. People wanted an Earth where everyone spoke the same language. An Earth where everyone had the same amount of knowledge. An Earth where every man or woman had the same opportunity as each other. An Earth where every man is neither rich nor poor. The CUNE (The Counsel of the United Nations of Earth) thought this was a completely ridiculous and nave idea. A foolish wish. There were simply too many issues to be faced to put it into occurrence. But there were too many supporters of the thought for CUNE to dismiss it completely. People stopped paying taxes, going to work and essentially, stopped following the rules altogether. There was absolutely no way to jail or fine that percentage of the public. CUNE just didnt have the manpower for it. Basically, Earth was broke. And if nobody did anything quickly, it was very likely the world would go into another dark age, filled with carnage, blood and death. But all that changed when on March sixth, when the first Arrival was found. He was a legend. An ambassador to both the CUNE and the people. A crucial piece in the foundation of New Earth. He brought forth ideas both old and new, always functional. Piece by piece he put society back together. People loved and respected him. If he said jump, you would say how high. He was put on a pedestal, and for good reason. Without him, life just wouldnt be worth it. He was even considered the reincarnation of Jesus by some religious nut and his followers down in Texas. This may seem crazy, but it really took off. People were building churches, praying outside his house, lighting fires in his name and doing lots of other weird stuff Im not inclined to talk about just now. The religion was called Deum Nostrum Manu Slater, which is the Latin translation of Our God Jonah Slater. Yeah, apparently they werent too creative. But theyre not too important, just a nuisance from what Ive heard. My point is people went pretty damn far in thanking Manu Slater for his contribution to the world. Manu Slater, before he took power, was a French aristocrat. He had the money, the influence and the image to help, but those things only took him so far. He was persistent, determined and unwavering in his pursuit to save the people. But after the first couple years of his rein, people started to noticepeculiarities. His thick, mahogany hair kept its colour and volume, his strong, lean build stayed limber, and his handsome, youthful face had somehow escaped any evidence of age. It was accepted as good genes or cosmetic surgery at first, but after about fifty years of Manu not aging, people started asking questions, questions that Manu obviously didnt want to answer. He passed a new law, one essentially prohibiting anyone questioning him, on punishment of death. It was the first time in the history of his rule that he used his power for his own personal gain.

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