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Homework 6: Small Oscillations

Prof. Miguel Mostaf a Colorado State University

(Dated: Due in class on Friday November 5, 2010)

1. Find the frequency of the small oscillations for particles moving a potential U ( x ) = U0 cos( x ) F x. 2. Find the frequency of the small oscillations for the system depicted in section 5 of the book, problem 4 (page 12). Use m1 = m2 = m, and 2 0 = 2 g / a. The system rotates with an angular velocity = in the eld of gravity around the vertical axis. 3. Consider two equal point particles, each of mass m, connected by a string (of xed length l ) which passes through a small hole, in a smooth table. (a) Solve for the trajectory of the mass on the table for vertical (up and down) motion of the suspended particle. for this orbit and (b) The rst particle is initially on a circular orbit r = r0 . What are the initial velocities r to be possible? (c) Find the frequency for small oscillations around this orbit, and write the general solution r (t) using (0) = 0; and (t) using (0) = 0. r (0) = r0 + 0 and r 4. Consider a double pendulum with each pendulum of mass m and length l , and with vertical gravitational force acting on each mass. At t = 0 the pendulum is vertical (1 = 2 = 0), but the top mass is given a small 10 . Solve the subsequent motion of the masses. kick, so it has velocity How difcult was this homework set? 1. Too easy 2. Easy 3. Fair 4. Difcult 5. Too difcult How much time did you spend on this homework set?

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