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##Speed ##Recreational (VERY STRONG) ##30 Minutes ## ##When we did a poll askin ##g I-Doser users what th ##ey

were looking for, ma ##ny said they would love ## a pick-me-up for when ##days were sluggish. Our ## popular French Roast d ##ose did the trick, but ##the emails still poured ## in. They wanted more, ##complete awake, aware, ##heart-pounding, spine t ##ingling awake to REALLY ## get trough a day (or, ##a night!) Here it is, p ##erfected and FINALLY av ##ailable after months of ## waiting: SPEED! Get: i ##ncreased energy and ale ##rtness, a decreased nee ##d for sleep, euphoria, ##increased sexuality, an ##d visual & auditory hal ##lucinations. You must b ##e aware this is more ex ##treme than other wake-y ##ou-up doses, so it is r ##ecommended for only advanced users. VERY advanced users. -SE alpha10: pink/50 300+10/50 rush: pink/30 300+14/70 euphoria: pink/10 300+.9/90 alloff: NOW alpha10 +00:05:00 alpha10 -> +00:09:00 rush +00:16:00 rush -> +00:20:00 euphoria +00:29:00 euphoria -> +00:30:00 alloff

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