Today's Tabbloid

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16 July 2009

Today’s Tabbloid


4th of July Tea Parties Update Lack of Deep Thinking = Belief

[Americans for Tax Reform] in the Living Constitution?
JUL 15, 2009 05:44P.M.
[Cato at Liberty]
As we reported previously, on the 4th of July thousands of citizens from JUL 15, 2009 04:49P.M.
all walks of life, from every state in the Union, rallied to promote the
values our Republic was founded upon: liberty individu... In a twist on the “lack of deep thinking” idea, part of what might be going
on in Sotomayor’s head—why she keeps answering questions about
judicial philosophy with reference to precedent rather than
constitutional first principles is because she’s not an originalist. How can
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS we hope for her to tell us her understanding of the meaning of the
constitutional text, after all, if that text’s meaning changes with the
Chart of the Day [The Club for times?

Growth] For example, Stuart Smalley Al Franken asked Sotomayor point blank,
JUL 15, 2009 05:08P.M. “do you believe the right to privacy includes the right to have an
abortion?” The nominee began here response with: “The Court has
This is what government-run health care looks like it. For a printable said….” That is, it is not the Constitution—whatever your view of it may
version, click here (PDF). be, whether you think it contains a right to abortion or not—that is the
supreme law of the land, but what nine black-robed philosopher-kings
say. Of course, if your (non-)theory of constitutional interpretation is to
keep “improving” the document—and to keep one step ahead of public
opinion, so judges can effect social “progress”—then it’s irrelevant what
the Constitution said before the Supreme Court put its gloss on it.

And if you subscribe to this “living Constitution” or “active liberty”

theory, then naturally the life experiences of a “wise Latina,” along with
lessons from foreign and international law—which, Sotomayor said as
recently as her April speech to ACLU, get a judge’s “creative juices
flowing”—are all valid parts of your jurisprudential toolkit.

CP Townhall

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS to imagine a rape case where the sex of the victim is not an issue. The
same goes for robbery - why grab a wallet from someone who can fight
The Price of Universal Health back on equal terms when you can pick a victim who is smaller and
weaker than you are?
Care: Our Freedom [Cato at
This would be different if this were a tweak to sentencing factors.
JUL 15, 2009 04:26P.M. If this were a sentence enhancement on crimes motivated by racial
animus - a practice sanctioned by the Supreme Court in Wisconsin v.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Thomas Szasz argues that universal Mitchell - then it would be less objectionable if there were independent
health care is impossible and the quest for it will cost us our freedom. “If federal jurisdiction.
we persevere in our quixotic quest for a fetishized medical equality we
will sacrifice personal freedom as its price.” Thing is, the federal government has already done this, with the
exception of gender identity, with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
(scroll to page 334 at the link):

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS If the finder of fact at trial or, in the case of a plea of guilty or
nolo contendere, the court at sentencing determines beyond a
House Dem Healthcare Tax reasonable doubt that the defendant intentionally selected
any victim or any property as the object of the offense of
Hike Breaks Obama’s Tax conviction because of the actual or perceived race, color,
religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or
Pledge [Americans for Tax sexual orientation of any person, increase by 3 levels.

Reform] The contrast between a sentence enhancement and a substantive crime

JUL 15, 2009 03:33P.M. gives us an honest assessment of what Congress is doing - federalizing
intrastate acts of violence.
Besides being the largest tax hike in American history, the House
Democrat health care tax increase breaks Obama’s pledge not to raise If Congress were to pass a law prohibiting the use of a firearm or any
any taxes on any American making less than $250,000: &ld... object that has passed in interstate commerce to commit a violent crime,
it would clearly be an unconstitutional abuse of the Commerce Clause.

Minus the hate crime window dressing, that is exactly what this law

Hate Crimes Bill Becomes an What this really amounts to is a power grab - giving the federal
government power to try or re-try violent crimes that are purely
Amendment [Cato at Liberty] intrastate. Just as the Supreme Court invalidated the Gun Free School
JUL 15, 2009 02:43P.M. Zones Act in United States v. Lopez because it asserted a general federal
police power, this law should be resisted as a wholesale usurpation of the
Unsure about prospects on passing the Local Law Enforcement Hate states’ police powers.
Crimes Prevention Act as a stand-alone bill, proponents intend to attach
it as an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization bill. As The act also essentially overrules United States v. Morrison, where the
I have said previously, this bill is an affront to federalism and Court overruled a federal civil remedy for intrastate gender-motivated
counterproductive hater-aid. violence. Forget a civil remedy; while we’re re-writing the constitution
through the Commerce Clause let’s get a criminal penalty on the books.
Federal Criminal Law Power Grab
Trials as Inquisitions
This legislation awards grants to jurisdictions for the purpose of
combating hate crimes. It also creates a substantive federal crime of The hate crime bill will also turn trials into inquisitions. The focus of
violent acts motivated by the “actual or perceived religion, national prosecution could be on whether you ever had a disagreement with
origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any someone of another “actual or perceived religion, national origin,
person.” gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.” Worse yet, it
can turn to whether you have any close friends in one of these categories,
This is a federalization of a huge number of intrastate crimes. It is hard as demonstrated in the Ohio case State v. Wyant. The defendant denied

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

that he was a racist, which led to the following exchange in cross- will be an avalanche. By making any gender-motivated crime a hate
examination on the nature of the defendant’s relationship with his black crime, which will necessarily include nearly all rapes, we will define
neighbor: ordinary street crimes as hate crimes.

Q. And you lived next door . . . for nine years and you don’t With a consistent average of 90,000 rapes a year, this expansion of hate
even know her first name? crime definition will come back in a few years where those ignorant of
the change in terms will wonder why hate crime is now rampant.
A. No. “Rampant” only because we have made the relevant definition over-
inclusive to the point of being meaningless.
Q. Never had dinner with her?
And in a few years, we can revisit this issue with a fierce moral urgency
A. No. to pass more feel-good legislation that upends state police powers in an
effort to do something - anything - to confront this perceived crisis. A
Q. Never gone out and had a beer with her? perception that Congress is creating in this legislation.

A. No. . . .

Q. You don’t associate with her, do you? FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS

A. I talk with her when I can, whenever I see her out. Who Gets Taxed? [The Club for
Q. All these black people that you have described that are Growth]
your friends, I want you to give me one person, just one who JUL 15, 2009 02:31P.M.
was really a good friend of yours.
Economist Keith Hennessey has a great summary (included examples) of
David Neiwert says that this won’t happen because of a constitutional how the House Democrats’ health care bill would affect people without
backstop in the legislation. Unfortunately, the House version of the bill insurance. Excerpt:
explicitly endorses impeaching a defendant in exactly this manner:
I expect the House Democrats will emphasize that their bill
In a prosecution for an offense under this section, evidence of would result in 97 percent of U.S. citizens having coverage.
expression or associations of the defendant may not be Those other three percent, however, really get shafted, and
introduced as substantive evidence at trial, unless the that’s about eight million people.
evidence specifically relates to that offense. However, nothing
in this section affects the rules of evidence governing If the President were to sign such a bill into law, I cannot
impeachment of a witness. figure out how his team could reconcile this consequence
with his pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class.
Worse yet, the Senate version of the hate crime bill, the one which will
likely become law after conference committee, does not contain this
provision. Instead, it explicitly says:
Courts may consider relevant evidence of speech, beliefs, or
expressive conduct to the extent that such evidence is offered The Myth of Arne Duncan’s
to prove an element of a charged offense or is otherwise
admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence. Nothing in “Chicago Miracle” [Cato at
this Act is intended to affect the existing rules of evidence.
Liberty“Chicago Miracle”]
Anyone want to bet that an aggressive prosecutor could find that not JUL 15, 2009 01:18P.M.
having a close enough relationship with your neighbor counts as
“expressive conduct” for the purposes of prosecution? Last week, I blogged about the fact that Chicago students’ NAEP test
score gains were modest under Arne Duncan’s leadership, and
Future Push for More Federal Authority Over Intrastate statistically indistinguishable from the modest gains made in urban
Crimes districts around the nation. My analysis — which contradicts the
rosy impression given by Illinois’ ISAT test – has just been released here.
The hate crime bill also pushes a snowball down the mountain toward
wholesale federalization of intrastate crime. In a few years this snowball Secretary Duncan has said that state and district officials should not

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

make inflated claims about student achievement based on misleading FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
state test scores, and has used the NAEP to fact check their claims. He’s
right about that. Sotomayor Displays a Lack of
Deep Thinking [Cato at Liberty]
JUL 15, 2009 11:57A.M.
It strikes me that Sotomayor has been fairly forthright in her responses
End the Credit Rating to questioning, not hiding too much behind the tired cliché that she can’t
answer a question because it could lead to prejudging a case—certainly
Monopoly [Cato at Liberty] far less than Ruth Bader Ginsburg and even John Roberts. Still, on
JUL 15, 2009 12:27P.M. several important issues, such as property rights, national security law,
abortion, and even her overall judicial philosophy, she has appeared
Earlier this week, SEC Chair Mary Shapiro appeared before Congress to disingenuous in saying that she has no firm views on the subject—hiding
suggest ways to fix the failings in our credit rating agencies. Sadly her behind precedent again and again as if first principles didn’t exist. In
proposals miss the market, although that shouldn’t be so surprising as other words, she says a lot—displaying a broad knowledge of cases and
her suggestions appear to rest upon a misunderstanding of the problem. legal doctrine—without answering larger questions. She answers
questions about what the law should be with what the law is, questions
The thrust of the SEC’s current approach is more disclosure, such as about what the Constitution says with what the Supreme Court has said
releasing “pre-ratings” that debt issuers may get before final issuance. about the Constitution.
Additional disclosure of ratings methodology and assumptions is likely
to be useless. Almost all that information was available during the This would be barely appropriate for a nominee to a lower court, who is,
building housing bubble. The problem is that the rating agencies had of course, bound by precedent. But senators rightly want to know a
little incentive to go beyond the consensus forecasts of increasing to at Supreme Court nominee’s preferred legal theories, what her view of the
most modest declines in home prices. These same assumptions were the Constitution is unencumbered by others’ attempts to interpret that
foundation of almost all government economic forecasting as well, yet document.
few believe that forcing CBO or OMB to disclosure more of their
forecasts will cure our budget imbalances. What is needed is a change in The more Sotomayor speaks, the more it becomes clear that these types
incentives. of nonanswers, this inability to see (or lack of desire to express) a big
picture view, is her own essence. It continues a pattern that is evident
Here again the SEC seems to misunderstand the incentives at work, but from her judicial opinions, which are mostly unremarkable and, in the
then recognizing such would force the SEC to admit its own role in neutral sense of that term, unimpressive. For all her career success and a
creating those some perverse incentives. The SEC’s notion that agencies personal story we should all celebrate, she is an average judge who
issue favorable ratings in order to gain business misses the most basic apparently gives little thought to the broad swath of law and where her
fact of the ratings business - they don’t have to compete for business, any rulings fit into that.
debt issuer wanting to place “investment grade” debt has to use the
agencies, and often has to use more than one of them. Due to a variety of That is, Sonia Sotomayor is not a Cass Sunstein or Larry Tribe or Elana
SEC and bank regulations, there is almost no competition among the Kagan or (fellow circuit judge) Diane Wood. She is not a scholar or an
rating agencies. They have been given a government created monopoly. ideologue. Her liberality is reflexive and warmed-over, a product of the
If the rating agencies were, as the SEC proposes, competing strongly for post-modern educational environment that formed her in the
business, then they wouldn’t have been earning huge profits on that 1970s—complete with ethnic activism—but not an intellectual edifice.
business. Competition erodes a business’ profits. During the housing This does not mean she isn’t a danger to liberty and the rule of law, or
boom, the rating agencies continued to make ever more profits - more that her votes and opinions won’t harm the Constitution. But it does
the sign of a monopoly than one of competition. indicate that, for all her bluster about being a “wise Latina,” she is little
more than a left-leaning empty robe.
The truth is not that the agencies were captive to the debt issuers, but the
other way around. And like any monopolist, the agencies became lazy, CP Townhall
slow and fat. The real fix for the failure of the credit raters is to reduce
the excessive reliance on their judgements inherent in most securities,
banking and insurance regulations. An investment grade rating
should never serve as a substitute for appropriate due diligence on the
part of investors (especially pension fund managers) or regulators.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009


Wednesday’s Daily News [The

JUL 15, 2009 11:53A.M.
Why Taxing the Rich Is Not
THE DAILY NEWS Banks Winning at Expense of Taxpayers - Larry
Kudlow, Money Politics 9 Reasons Pelosi’s Healthcare Surtax is Enough to Fund Big
Disastrous - Jimmy P., Reuters Obama Open to Partisan Vote on Health
- Edwin Chen, Bloomberg Health Care Plan Has Surtax On Wealthy - Government [Cato at Liberty]
Mongomery & Connolly, WaPo Universal Health Care Isn’t Worth Our JUL 15, 2009 11:09A.M.
Freedom - Thomas Szasz, WSJ The Conceit of the Rulers - John Stossel,
ABC News The Stimulus Isn’t Working - IBD Editorial The Increased Appearing on Fox News on Monday, Cato’s Daniel J. Mitchell explained
Competitiveness of the US Economy - Alex Tabarrok, MR A Tale of Two why taxing the rich to pay for big government programs may make for a
Bailouts - Wall Street Journal Editorial PODCAST: Choice, Competition good sound bite on the campaign trail, but when there aren’t enough
Should Drive Health Care - Mike Tanner, Cato wealthy people to tax, the middle class ends up footing the bill.

“When politicians are aiming at the rich, it’s the middle class that winds
up getting hit in the crossfire,” Mitchell said. “They use ‘tax the rich’ as
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS the rhetoric, but they always go after the ordinary people to get more
money to fund their big government schemes.”
The Health Care Reform Bill
Watch the whole thing:
Will Cost $500 Billion in New
Taxes [Cato at Liberty]

House Democrats released their 1,018 page health care reform bill, Intervention Begets
America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, yesterday.
Intervention, Which Begets…
This bill is a dog’s breakfast of bad ideas paid for by more than $500
billion in new taxes. The reform would impose an individual mandate on [Cato at Liberty…]
individuals, requiring every American to buy a government designed JUL 15, 2009 09:03A.M.
insurance package or pay a new tax equal to 2.5 percent of their income.
At a time of rising unemployment, businesses would be required to The logic in Washington is ineluctable. If government provides money,
provide health insurance to workers or pay a new tax equal to 8 percent then it needs to impose regulations. If the government takes ownership,
of workers wages. These new taxes could drive the total cost to taxpayers then it must provide management.
much higher than the $500 billion in direct taxes in the bill.
Bail out the banks. Set bankers’ salaries. Bail out the insurers. Decide on
In addition, the bill includes a host of new insurance regulations that will corporate bonuses.
drive up the cost of insurance premiums, and a new government-run
insurance plan that will “compete” with private insurance. That And if the government takes over the automakers, then it should run the
government-run plan will ultimately force millions of Americans out of automakers. That, of course, means deciding who can be dealers.
their current insurance plan and into the government-run system. This is
a health care “reform” under which Americans will pay more for worse Reports the Washington Post:
Now that the Obama administration has spent billions of
To get an idea of what sort of bureaucratic nightmare that would ensue dollars on the bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler,
with passage of this bill is illustrated by the Republican Staff of the Joint Congress is considering making its first major management
Economic Committee here. decision at the automakers.

For regular updates on the reform process as it progresses, check out Under legislation that has rapidly gained support, GM and
Chrysler would have to reinstate more than 2,000

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

dealerships that the companies had slated for closure. reduced. This was so over the top that even the state’s collectivist
governor felt compelled to condemn the bureaucrats for using dishonest
The automakers say the ranks of their dealers must be scare tactics. The Boston Globe reports:
thinned in order to match the fallen demand for cars. But
some of the rejected dealers and their Capitol Hill supporters Governor Deval Patrick yesterday accused Zoo New England
argue that the process of selecting dealerships for closure was officials of creating a false and inflammatory scare with their
arbitrary and went too far. warning that state budget cuts may force them to close two
Greater Boston zoos and euthanize some animals. “As a
Since federal money has been used to sustain the automakers, supporter of the zoo and a parent who has visited often, the
they say Congress has an obligation to intervene. governor is disappointed to learn that Zoo New England has
responded to this difficult but unavoidable budget cut by
At a gathering of dozens of dealers who came to Capitol Hill spreading inaccurate and incendiary information,’’ Kyle
yesterday to lobby their representatives, House Majority Sullivan, a spokesman for the governor, said in a statement.
Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) and several other And a second Patrick aide emphatically ruled out the killing
congressmen spoke in support of the dealers. More than 240 of any animals. …Zoo officials declined to comment on
House members have signed onto the bill, supporters said. Patrick’s remarks yesterday. They also canceled a public
event to welcome two French Poitou donkeys to the Franklin
“We are going to stand with them for as long as it takes,” Park facility in honor of Bastille Day tomorrow. John
Hoyer told an approving crowd. Linehan, Zoo New England chief executive, was scheduled to
attend the event. …On Friday zoo officials released a
What is next? Congress deciding the prices that should be charged for statement saying the funding reduction might require them
autos? The accessories to be offered? The colors cars should be painted? to shutter both zoos. Then on Saturday, they issued a
statement that said state bureaucrats - and not animal-care
I have no idea who should or should not be an auto dealer. But I do know professionals - would be responsible for deciding whether
that it is a decision which should not be made in Washington, D.C. some animals would have to be killed if the zoos closed. …At
least one visitor to the Franklin Park Zoo yesterday suggested
the operator solve the budget crisis on its own. “I wonder why
the Franklin Park Zoo doesn’t raise their prices so they can
FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS support themselves,’’ said Emanuel Achidiev, 28. “They
shouldn’t have to rely on the state.’’
The “Washington Monument
Syndrome” Backfires in
Massachusetts [Cato at
Who’s the Isolationist? [Cato at
Liberty“Washington Monument
Syndrome” Backfires in JUL 15, 2009 08:58A.M.

Massachusetts] There may be no more vicious epithet from neoconservatives these days
JUL 15, 2009 09:01A.M. than “isolationist.” One would think the term would mean something
like xenophobic no-nothings who want to have nothing to do with the
While politicians and bureaucrats generally are on the same side, there rest of the world. No trade or immigration. Little or no cultural exchange
are occasional conflicts. For instance, if politicians want to limit the and political cooperation. Autarchy all around.
growth of an agency’s budget (an infrequent impulse, to be sure), the
bureaucrats get upset and sometimes they fight back. A common tactic is But no. ”Isolationist” apparently means something quite different. Never
to try and generate public opposition by leaking to the press that they mind your views of the merits of international engagement. If you don’t
will have to curtail something that taxpayers actually value. This is want to kill lots of foreigners in lots of foreign wars you are automatically
known as the Washington Monument Syndrome, which is a reference to considered to be an isolationist.
the National Park Service’s petulant decision about 40 years ago to close
national monuments two days per week because of a very small budget President Bill Clinton called Republican legislators “isolationists” for not
reduction. A very perverse example of the Washington Monument wanting to insert the U.S. military into the middle of a complex but
Syndrome just took place in Massachusetts, where officials at the New strategically irrelevant guerrilla conflict in Kosovo. (He made the same
England Zoo threatened to kill some of the animals if their subsidy was criticism against them for not supporting even more money for foreign

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

aid, which presumably meant the Heritage Foundation was filled with inducted into the NATO fraternity. The security commitment effectively
isolationists at the time). runs one way.

But the definition is even broader today. It means not willing to go to war So for what stakes are NATO expansion advocates willing to risk war
for any country that clamors for a security guarantee irrespective of its with nuclear-armed Russia? To hope that America’s commitment is
relevance to American security. At least, that appears to be the definition never called is no substitute for honestly assessing the risks, interests,
applied by Sally McNamara of Heritage. and trade-offs at stake.

On Monday in National Interest online I criticized the argument If none of these considerations is relevant — if failing to constantly add
advanced by Ms. McNamara and others that alliances and military new defense welfare clients is the same as “withdrawing from the world”
commitments automatically prevent war. More specifically, the claim is and giving Hitler a green light — is there any stopping
that if only the U.S. would bring the country of Georgia into NATO — or point? Presumably no. If Georgia is to come in, then presumably Ukraine
simply issue a Membership Action Plan, which neither offers a security too. If Ukraine, how about Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
promise nor guarantees NATO membership — Moscow would never dare Azerbaijan, and Armenia? Why not Mongolia, Nepal, and Bhutan?
take the risk of attacking Georgia. Maybe go a bit further. Perhaps Sri Lanka?

History suggests this is a dangerous assumption. Both World Wars I and But why stop there? Should not any nation which desires protection from
II featured alliances that were supposed to prevent conflict but which any other nation be entitled to American protection? After all, to say no
instead acted as transmission belts of war. One can argue whether or not would, in Ms. McNamara’s words, offer “a geo-political victory to
the alliances were prudent. One cannot argue that they prevented Moscow” or someone else, whether Beijing, New Delhi, Ankara, or
conflict as so many people thought (and certainly hoped) they would. whoever. Failing to protect weak states — East Timor, Congo, Belize, and
more — would demonstrate that we have failed to learn the lesson that
Thus, alliances should be viewed as serious organizations. A promise to “appeasement simply does not work.”
defend another nation should be treated as a momentous undertaking.
And the public should be aware of all of the risks of policies advanced by It is easy to conjure up new missions for the U.S. military. But the most
the nation’s leaders. This should go double when a nuclear-armed power important question is whether these tasks advance the security of
is involved and treble when the geopolitical stakes are trivial for the U.S. America — this nation, its people, and its system of constitutional liberty.
while significant for the opposing state. Scattering security guarantees about the globe as if they were party
favors — treating them as a costless panacea to the problem of war —
For suggesting this Ms. McNamara argues that I am both an isolationist makes America less, not more secure.
and a neo-isolationist. (I’m not sure of the difference between the two.
Maybe the latter indicates that she realizes I believe in free And making that argument does not mean one is an “isolationist”
trade, increased immigration, and international cooperation, which advocating “appeasement.” Unless the Founders were isolationist
makes for a curious kind of “isolationism.” Still, advocating a reduction appeasers as well.
in military commitments and the consequent risk of war, rather than a
policy of galloping about the globe tossing security guarantees hither and As George Washington observed in his Farewell Address:
yon, apparently means I am at least a “neo-isolationist.”)
Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none;
Even worse, I am accused of “appeasement” for suggesting that being or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in
prepared to trade Washington for Tbilisi is a bad bargain. Ah, the “A” frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially
word. To count the cost and not support every commitment, no matter foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise
how distant or irrelevant, is the same as encouraging the next Adolf in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary
Hitler. vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and
collisions of her friendships or enmities.
His sentiments apply even more today, when America’s adversaries are
It is time for a serious discussion as to why we have alliances today. If it pitiful and few, and America’s friends are many and dominant. The U.S.
isn’t to promote American security, let’s be clear about that. If NATO is need not — and should not — withdraw from the world. But
an international social club, or a second European Union, or a global Washington should stop making unnecessary and dangerous military
Good Housekeeping seal of sorts, then policymakers should level with commitments.
the American people who are paying the bills.

Even more so, if the alliance is geared to defending everyone else, then
let’s admit that too. Georgia would not be defending America. Nor will
Albania, Croatia, Estonia, and the other geopolitical titans recently

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS uses the Stern Review’s inflated impact estimates under the warmest
IPCC scenario, net GDP in 2200 ought to be higher in the warmest world
Response to Conor Clarke, Part than in cooler worlds for both developing and industrialized countries.

I [Cato at Liberty]
JUL 15, 2009 08:51A.M.

Last week Conor Clarke at The Atlantic blog , apparently as part of a

running argument with Jim Manzi, raised four substantive issues with
my study, “What to Do About Climate Change,” that Cato published last
year. Mr. Clarke deserves a response, and I apologize for not getting to
this sooner. Today, I’ll address the first part of his first comment. I’ll
address the rest of his comments over the next few days.

Conor Clarke:
Source: Indur M. Goklany, “Discounting the Future,” Regulation 32: 36-
(1) Goklany’s analysis does not extend beyond the 21st 40 (Spring 2009).
century. This is a problem for two reasons. First, climate
change has no plans to close shop in 2100. Even if you believe The costs of climate change used to develop the above figure are, most
GDP will be higher in 2100 with unfettered global warming likely, overestimated because they do not properly account for increases
than without, it’s not obvious that GDP would be higher in in future adaptive capacity consistent with the level of net economic
the year 2200 or 2300 or 3758. (This depends crucially on development resulting from Stern’s own estimates (as shown in the
the rate of technological progress, and as Goklany’s paper above figure). This figure shows that even after accounting for losses in
acknowledges, that’s difficult to model.) Second, the GDP per capita due to climate change – and inflating these losses — net
possibility of “catastrophic” climate change events — those GDP per capita in 2200 would be between 16 and 85 times higher in
with low probability but extremely high cost — becomes real 2200 that it was in the baseline year (1990). No less important, Stern’s
after 2100. estimate of the costs of climate change neglect secular technological
change that ought to occur during the 210-year period extending from
Response: First, I wouldn’t put too much stock in analyses purporting to the base year (1990) to 2200. In fact, as shown here, empirical data show
extend out to the end of the 21st century, let alone beyond that, for that for most environmental indicators that have a critical effect on
numerous reasons, some of which are laid out on pp. 2-3 of the Cato human well-being, technology has, over decades-long time frames
study. As noted there, according to a paper commissioned for the Stern reduced impacts by one or more orders of magnitude.
Review, “changes in socioeconomic systems cannot be projected semi-
realistically for more than 5–10 years at a time.” As a gedanken experiment, compare technology (and civilization’s
adaptive capacity) in 1799 versus 2009. How credible would a projection
Second, regarding Mr. Clarke’s statement that, “Even if you believe GDP for 2009 have been if it didn’t account for technological change from
will be higher in 2100 with unfettered global warming than without, it’s 1799 to 2009?
not obvious that GDP would be higher in the year 2200 or 2300 or
3758,” I should note that the conclusion that net welfare for 2100 I should note that some people tend to dismiss the above estimates of
(measured by net GDP per capita) is not based on a belief. It follows GDP on the grounds that it is unlikely that economic development,
inexorably from Stern’s own analysis. particularly in today’s developing countries, will be as high as indicated
in the figure. My response to this is that they are based on the very
Third, despite my skepticism of long term estimates, I have, for the sake assumptions that drive the IPCC and the Stern Review’s emissions and
of argument, extended the calculation to 2200. See here. Once again, I climate change scenarios. So if one disbelieves the above GDP estimates,
used the Stern Review’s estimates, not because I think they are then one should also disbelieve the IPCC and the Stern Review’s
particularly credible (see below), but for the sake of argument. projection for the future.
Specifically, I assumed that losses in welfare due to climate change under
the IPCC’s warmest scenario would, per the Stern Review’s 95th Fourth, even if analysis that appropriately accounted for increases in
percentile estimate, be equivalent to 35.2 percent of GDP in 2200. adaptive capacity had shown that in 2200 people would be worse off in
[Recall that Stern’s estimates account for losses due to market impacts, the richest-but-warmest world than in cooler worlds, I wouldn’t get too
non-market (i.e., environmental and public health) impacts and the risk excited just yet. Even assuming a 100-year lag time between the
of catastrophe, so one can’t argue that only market impacts were initiation of emission reductions and a reduction in global temperature
considered.] because of a combination of the inertia of the climate system and the
turnover time for the energy infrastructure, we don’t need to do anything
The results, summarized in the following figure, indicate that even if one

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

drastic till after 2100 (=2200 minus 100 years), unless monitoring shows of suppressive guardianship.
before then that matters are actually becoming worse (as opposing
merely changing), in which case we should certainly mobilize our The response is that a leader who fails to respect Shari’a law,
responses. [Note that change doesn’t necessarily equate to worsening. promotes violence, and rejects the public’s demands is a clear
One has to show that a change would be for the worse. Unfortunately, sign of oppressive guardianship and that leader is oppressive.
much of the climate change literature skips this crucial step.] The recognition of those signs is the responsibility, firstly, of
Islamic jurists (experts in religious law) and, secondly, of
In fact, waiting-and-preparing-while-we-watch (AKA watch-and-wait) ordinary people.
makes most sense, just as it does for many problems (e.g., some cancers)
where the cost of action is currently high relative to its benefit, benefits His words alone will not topple Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and those
are uncertain, and technological change could relatively rapidly improve behind and around him. But as the regime’s moral foundation further
the cost-benefit ratio of controls. Within the next few decades, we should erodes, the long-term possibility of significant changes in Tehran grows.
have a much better understanding of climate change and its impacts, and
the cost of controls ought to decline in the future, particularly if we Americans should cheer for the advance of liberty in Iran. But the U.S.
invest in research and development for mitigation. In the meantime we government, with precious little credibility for promoting democracy in
should spend our resources on solving today’s first order problems – and Iran, needs to stay far away. The last thing Iranian human rights
climate change simply doesn’t make that list, as shown by the only advocates need is for their struggle to become a contest between the
exercises that have ever bothered to compare the importance of climate Iranian and American governments instead of the Iranian government
change relative to other global problems. See here and here. As is shown and Iranian people.
in the Cato paper (and elsewhere), this also ought to reduce vulnerability
and increase resiliency to climate change.

In the next installment, I’ll address the second point in Mr. Clarke’s first FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS
point, namely, the fear that “the possibility of ‘catastrophic’ climate
change events — those with low probability but extremely high cost — Quadrennial Claptrap [Cato at
becomes real after 2100.”
JUL 15, 2009 08:36A.M.

FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE BLOG FEEDS Since the mid-1990s, the Defense Department has been legally required
to review its strategy and force structure every four years, producing
Continuing Erosion of the what’s called the Quadrennial Defense Review.

Iranian Regime’s Legitimacy The result has been a series of vacuous documents that commingle
vague, unsubstantiated claims about great historical shifts underway
[Cato at Liberty] (think Tom Friedman but without the empirical rigor) with threat
JUL 15, 2009 08:42A.M. inflation. There is no evidence that these documents have produced
much beyond wasted time and effort.
The gravest threat to the survival of the repressive regime in Tehran may
be the continuing attacks on its perceived legitimacy. Part of the factional Naturally, the Department of Homeland Security decided to produce a
infighting undoubtedly reflects a simple power struggle. However, quadrennial homeland security review, which is underway. Last week,
religious principles also appear to be at stake. A number of Muslim reported that the State Department will get in on the
clerics are denouncing the authorities for their misbehavior. act with a Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. Apparently
grand strategy documents have great allure to policy-makers. So it’s
For instance, Iranian cleric and blogger Mohsen Kadivar recently applied worth reflecting on why the QDR has failed.
several Islamic principles to the Iranian government:
I say it’s because strategy is overrated. The idea is that government is a
The fourth question concerns attempts by some to cite the scientific enterprise where smart people get together, figure out the
protection of the Islamic state to justify suppressing people’s wisest course, and then marshal their bureaucracies to the new
efforts to defend their own rights. objectives. The trouble with this view is that government is political; it is
about competing bureaucratic interests or ideologies trying to impose
The response is that an Islamic state cannot be protected their preferences on each other. Strategy documents have no inherent
through violence. power over these forces.

The fifth question is about what Shari’a law says are the signs In practice, because the military services participate in the QDR’s

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 16 July 2009

production, it is an output of the politics it is supposed to guide, a logroll

that justifies existing realities. The services all employ manpower to
defend their prerogatives. Consultants get hired. A great fuss occurs.
Compromise language carries the day, and the thing winds up vapidly
endorsing the existing force structure and programs.

A better way to go would for the Office of the Secretary of Defense to use
strategy documents to give its views official heft; one more way to
impose their preferences on the rest of the Pentagon. That argues for
civilian authorship, not service inclusion. Of course, this method is only
as good as OSD’s ideas.

The next QDR is due this year. The document will likely endorse the
Secretary Gates’ desire to make the military better suited to
counterinsurgency, which is OK, and overstate our ability to succeed in
these wars, which is not.

The owner of the document is the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy,

Michelle Flournoy, who previously founded the Center for New
American Security, which has, in its brief life, exhibited great enthusiasm
for counterinsurgency campaigns or US military-led nation-building.

Flournoy and a co-author just published a kind of preview of the QDR in

Proceedings, the Naval Institute’s magazine. The article not encouraging.
It cites the disastrous vehicle of Cold War threat inflation, NSC-68, as an
example to emulate. Unsurprisingly it buys into the trendy idea that
future US wars will be hybrid wars, mixing conventional and
unconventional tactics as Hezbollah did in 2006 in Lebanon. It takes the
conventional position that the United States has to police global
commons (space, cyberspace, airspace and sea lanes), to protect the
“international system.” This apparently means that free trade requires
US military hegemony, a common claim with a hazy causal logic. The
article makes the curious argument that because the commons are a
public good, other nations have “powerful incentives” to help the United
States police them. I am all for burden sharing, but this misunderstands
the meaning of public goods, which are notoriously underprovided.
Powerful incentives encourage free-riding, not mutual aide.

Worst of all, the article buys into the idea that the United States needs to
fix failed states, which is a recipe for empire.

The good news is that there is time to fix all this. Maybe the Pentagon
will embrace restraint. You never know.


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