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The Moon

Inside the Moon

Moons Surface
Mares (Lunar Seas): solidified lava flows Highlands: rugged high areas and rims of craters

Lunar Geography (Lunography ?) (Lunography?)

Not gonna be testing you on this . . .

Moon Facts
No atmosphere! No liquid water (but we have found ice)! Less dense than the Earth Daytime Temperature: up to 130C (266F)
Very hot.

More Moon Facts!

Dark Side of the Moon?
How about Far Side of the Moon. All of the moon gets sunlight, but due to the moons slow rotation, we can only see one side from Earth (near side)

Blue Moon: an extra full moon in a month, not really blue but it is rare.
Once in a blue moon . . .

Nighttime Temperature: down to -180C (-292F)

Very cold.

Super Moon: When the full moon coincides with the moons perigee (closest to Earth)
Appears 14% larger, 30% brighter!

Moons Origin
Impact Theory
When solar system still young and planets still mostly molten (melted) a Mars-sized planet smacked into Earth Some of the material melted into the Earth Some of the material, and parts of Earth, were smacked into orbit and formed the Moon

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