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Name: ___________________ Date: _________________ Class: ____________________ Chapters 9-12 Page # 1.

How many days was he in the Uncharted wood before a visitor came? 2. Who came to the woods to meet him? 3. Why did they follow him? 4. What do they do after they explain the story of their journey? 5. Why does he tell them not to fear the forest? 6. How is this speech a significant change in the characters world?

7. Why does he question what is good and what is evil? 8. What two things bring him joy? Why does he wonder about these things? 9. Why does TGO struggle after saying, We love you?

Chapter 10 1. Where is Equality when this chapter begins?

2. What did they find in the mountains?

3. Why does he find this place strange at first?

4. What does TGO find that causes her to gasp? Why?

5. What could he not pry TGO away from? 6. What does he want?

Chapter 10 Complete the following charts by using quotes from the text as examples for the questions provided. You must then analyze the meaning of the quotes. All quotes must be properly cited in order to receive credit. 1. What impact does societys dreams have on the main character? They say I say

2. What impact does the main characters dreams have on him/others? They say I say

Chapter 12 1. What happens when he first reads I. Why?

2. What did he understand after reading ?

3. What name does he give TGO? Why? 4. Why does he want to go back to the city one last time? 5. What takes a mans freedom away?

6. What does he think brought men lower than [their] savage beginning? 7. What is hard fro him to conceive? 8. What will he have to fight for? 9. What is the sacred word?

Short Answer: Anthems theme is, in Ayn Rands own words, the meaning of mans ego. In at least four sentences Explain the ways in which the characters and plot in Anthem illustrate this theme.

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