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Miss Nichols

Job Crew Course Expectations

Academic Expectations:
This course gives students experience in the world of work. You will work at 1 job site in the community during the semester. The job site will either be Congregate Meals or Leons Pizza. You will fill out a time card each day in a daily job journal.

1. Meet Miss Nichols in Rm. 8 (her classroom) with your coat if necessary. You will meet at the beginning of 2nd period. 2. Talk quietly as we drive to and from the work site. 3. When we return to school, finish your time card.

Behavioral Expectations:
1. Refer to your teachers by their appropriate titles: To demonstrate respect for those in charge, please call teachers and associates by Ms., Mrs., or Mr. and his/her last name. Example: Ms. Nichols 2. Have good hygiene: Since the job sites that we will be going to deal with food, it is important that you come to school wearing clean clothes as well as having a clean body (showering or bathing). 3. Be RESPECTFUL: Treat objects and other people in the classroom with respect at all time. USE MANNERS!

Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations:

If you violate a rule, you may be assigned a consequence. Depending on the frequency and severity of the misbehavior, you may receive one of more of the following: 1. Verbal Warning (You may receive two verbal warnings before the next step occurs) 2. Asked to sit down and loss of corresponding job skill checklist points 3. Time Spent after Class or School 4. Office Referral and/or notifying home

Daily Activities:
If you go to Leons, you will be gone both 2nd and 3rd period. You will be responsible for multiple jobs once you arrive, Ms. Fisher and Leon will direct you. If you go to Congregate Meals, you will be responsible for cleaning and setting tables prior to serving lunch. We typically arrive back to the high school a little before the end of 3rd period (for Congregate Meals). Please bring something to work on.

Grades: Job Crew is graded class. You will be graded on your Job Skills Checklist, consisting of 10 skills (1 pt/skill). So you could ultimately earn 10 points a day.

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