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NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..

At a restaurant Write the missing words in the menu below. Choose from the following: apple pie and custard boiled potatoes chips duck with orange sauce fillet of plaice fruit cocktail lamb chops prawn cocktail runner beans tomato soup

Starters melon pt with toast 1. ________ grapefruit 2. ________ Main course 3. ________ roast beef sirloin steak 4. ________ roast lamb with mint sauce 5. ________

Vegetables 6. ________ 7. ________ jacket potatoes mushrooms 8. ________ salad Desserts 9. ________ cheesecake chocolate gateau 10. ________ strawberry ice-cream

Megolds: 1-2 tomato soup, prawn cocktail 3- 5 fillet of plaice, lamb chops, duck with orange sauce 6-8 boiled potatoes, chips, runner beans 9-10 apple pie and custard, fruit cocktail

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