Web Based SQL Injection

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Yagouba diallo WEK100734

What is qli Sql injection classes Sql injection typpe Methodology

What is sql and sqli

code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability in application occurs at the database layer of an application SQL - Structured Query Language Used to communicate with the database

SQL injection classes

We have 3 classes INBAND:data is extracted by the same channel that si used to inject the code OUT OF BAND:data is retrieved using a different channel EX:email INFERENTIAL: there is not actual tranfer of data but the tester is able to reconstruct the info by sending partucular request and observing the resulting behavior of the DB server

SQl injection types

We have 3 typpes: Eror based:asking the DB a question that will cause an error and gleening info from the eror. Union based: is used to combine the results of 2 or more SELECT SQL. Blind: asking the DB a true/false question and using whether valid page returned or not or by using the time it took for your valid page to return as the answer of the question

IDENTIFY: Identify the injection (tool or manual) Determine injection typpe (integer or string)

ATTACK: Error based union based Blind based ressort)

(easiest) (great for data extration) (worst case and last

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