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Name Yuxiang Zhu Grade level Pre-K Observation: 1 2 3 4

Long-term specific goal(s) for LESSON: A long-term specific goal for this lesson is promoting the values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to investigating lessons. Another goal is to introduce children to charts and graphs, as well as identifying colors in a real-life situation. 1. Title of Research Lesson: Parking Lot Adventure! 2. Short-term specific goal(s) for lesson: The children will identify the colors of cars in the parking lot. They will work with the teacher to make collaborative class chart of car colors in the parking lot. The children will practice their counting skills by counting the cars in the parking lot. 3. Standards addressed: 6.C.ECa Explore quantity and number; 10.A.ECa Represent data using concrete objects, pictures, and graphs; 6.D.EC Make comparisons of quantities Danielsons Domains: 3b. Using questioning and discussion techniques. 3c. Engaging students in learning.

4. Background of the Lesson: The children have been on the topic of things that go for a week. They are familiar with their colors from previous weeks, and we work on counting through the calendar. As well, all of the children have experiences with cars because they all get dropped off at school everyday in a car. We also made height and weight charts in the classroom, so the children are exposed to basic charts that the teacher has made.

5. Lesson Procedure Time Activities

(Divide this into sections. Sections might include: Set-up, Introduction, Teacher-guided instruction, Individual Practice, Group Work, Sharing Ideas, Summary, etc.)

page _________ Dialogue

(Teachers Questions; Anticipated Student Responses)

(Materials, Strategies, Adaptations)


10 min

During group time, we will discuss the topic of what cars we drive to school (colors, size, etc). We will make a chart during group time (pre-made) of the color of our cars.

T: How many of us go to school in a car ASR: Children raise hands, say me me me! T: Alright awesome. We are going to make a chart like our weather chart that we fill out every morning (T/TH class). So when we find out what color cars all of you have, we can fill out the boxes to count how many we have! Who can tell me what color their car is? Remember to raise your hand! ASR: Ooh ooh blue! Red, white, shiny, dark, bright T: Remember, we want to raise our hands if we have something to share. Wow, look at so-andso sitting so nicely, criss-crossapplesauce on the rug with her/his hand in the air! ASR: Well my car is shiny and big and has lots of seats. T: What color do you think shiny is? Does it look like this (point to blue, red, etc) ASR: It looks blue! T: Okay, blue. Lets color in another box on our chart for blue.

-Children will be on rug already -Will have chart premade on big chart paper (colors on bottom, numbers on side, title: The Color of Our Cars) -Will have markers to match the colors of cars

Pay more attention to different colors. Learn their cars color beforehand if possible.

Continue until all children have told car color. If cant remember color, dont fill in anything maybe ask mom and dad at pickup T: So now we know the colors of our cars. Do you think there are a lot of cars in our parking lot that have the same colors? Do you think we should find out? ASR: Yeah! There are probably lots of cars there. And lots of colors! Maybe blue! T: Yeah, maybe! After snack, we are going to go on a little adventure to the parking lot and find out how many different colored cars there are. Does that sound like fun? ASR: Yeahh, nooo, yayy! T: But were going to have snack first okay? Then Ill take people downstairs after that!


(Observation portion) Investigation -During free read/play time after snack, take a few children downstairs (around 3) -Walk down to parking lot (discuss rules of parking lot before going down)

T: Okay, I need three friends to come with me on an adventure downstairs! Dont worry, everyone will have the chance to come down with me okay? ASR: ooh mee mee! T: Okay 1, 2, 3. Lets go. Okay, were going to sit next to the first

-Children will bring a marker and the chart they are given -The chart will have different colored labels

Colored labels would help students understand colors better.

tree when we get outside to talk about some stuff alright? In parking lot -Walk in a group to each car and talk about color. Children will mark what color it is on their graphs T: Okay, so when we go in a parking lot, do we walk or run? ASR: Walk! T: Exactly. And what happens if we see something really cool and really reaaally wanna look at it? Do we leave on ourselves? ASR: noooo T: No, right. If you want to see something, you need to say Mr. Rex! And tell me what you want to see. And maybe we can all go look at it together. T: Are you ready to go!? ASR: Yeahhh!! T: Okay. Lets line up. Perfect. Lets walk to this first car. Who can tell me what color this car is? ASR: Blue, green, red, etc. T: Good! So Im going to write this down (show them paper): Blue1 (continue with rest of cars in parking lot) ASR: Wow this car is so big! ASR: This car is shiny just like mine!! ASR: Look at the wheels! Look at the cool mirrors! T: Remember, we dont want to touch the cars. Theyre not ours. -Remind children about staying together and not touching the cars

-My own clipboard for Take notes as demonstration. students do. Demonstrate how to record data if needed. Allow more time for each discussion

And we dont touch things that arent ours right? ASR: Yess right. T: We want to use our eyes only, not our hands! T: Compare the cars color to its tires. Are they the same color? 10-15 min Tie it Together I will sit down with the children and fill in another chart with them. It will be the exact same chart that we used for the our cars exploration, except we will make it together. I will explain where everything will be written, etc. T: So now, we need to fill in another chart like the one from this morning! T: How many blue cars do we have? Lets look at my list ASR: We have four/six/two blue cars, etc. Fill out chart with children. Hang charts next to each other on the wall. -Chart paper to make another chart of the cars we discovered -Children can sit at table or at rug again

Shiny purple=Silver purple? Pay more attention to students discussions. Use comparison as an investigative method.

6. Evaluation:
(How will you know whether or not you have achieved your short-term specific goals?)

If the children help with the discovery (talking and labeling car colors) then I know they will have understood what we were trying to accomplish. If the children recognize the differences and similarities between the charts when theyre hung on the wall, the children will recognize what the chart depicts. If the children answer the questions and ask their own questions, I know they are participating and paying attention to what is going on.

7. Post Lesson Reflection:

Talk about the goals of your lesson, how did your lesson meet those goals? What did the childrens responses to this lesson tell you about whether your goals were met? What would you change about this lesson and why would those changes improve it? I noticed my students were doing a good job at counting cars. They were able to count out loud with me. However, the data collection seemed a little confusing to them: they could not understand some of the words on their sheets. They had some interesting discussions during the investigation, which can help them develop as young investigators. I need to encourage their discussions and inspire their thoughts instead of rushing through the lesson. First I would use colored label to help them use the sheet better. They seemed confused from time to time because they could not understand the words on the sheets. Also, I think use a demonstrative sheet by myself would be beneficial to my class. They would have a straightforward example to learn from and find out what needs to be done. The most important thing I need to change is to let my students talk more. This is their investigation, and they should have enough time to discuss their thoughts. I believe the organization and materials were effective for this class. My students seemed excited to go downstairs and collect data with clipboards. My pre-investigation lesson laid the background knowledge for my students, and the learning theme Things that Go eliminated the element of surprise: My students know what to do and what is expected.

How did your organization and materials affect the success of the lesson?

What were some challenges with this lesson? What surprised you?

Although Kelly and I tried to anticipate many questions we might encounter. We still were not able to be prepared thoroughly. There are always something unexpected going on in an investigative lesson. For me, the silver-purple car discussion was a challenge, but it also inspired me to teach an extra lesson about metallic colors. Once again, the most important thing in investigation is students spontaneous discussions. I need to let them speak their minds and inspire them to think critically. Mrs. Hannahs method of comparison was a good start, but I think I need more tricks like this.

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