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Instruction set of c54x 1. ADDC Add to Accumulator With Carry 2. ADDM Add Long-Immediate Value to Memory 3.

ANDM AND Memory With Long Immediate 4. BC[D] Branch Conditionally 5. BIT Test Bit 6. CMPL Complement Accumulator 7. CMPS Compare, Select, Max & store 8. DLD Long-Word Load to Accumulator 9. DST Store Accumulator in Long Word 10. LD Load Accumulator With Shift 11. LD Load Treg/DP/ASM/ARP 12. LDU Load Unsigned Memory Value 13. MASA[R] Multiply by Accumulator A and Subtract 14. MVDK Move Data From Data Memory to Data Memory With Destination Addressing 15. MVKD Move Data From Data Memory to Data Memory With Source Addressing 16. NEG Negate Accumulator 17. POPD Pop Top of Stack to Data Memory 18. POPM Pop Top of Stack to Memory-Mapped Register 19. PSHD Push Data-Memory Value Onto Stack 20. PSHM Push Memory-Mapped Register Onto Stack 21. RPT Repeat Next Instruction 22. ST||ADD Store Accumulator With Parallel Add 23. ST||MPY Store Accumulator With Parallel Multiply 24. XORM Exclusive OR Memory With Constant

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