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A complex cause of pleuritic chest pain

Which of the following tests are indicated to evaluate the patients symptoms at this point ? Cardiac Ultrasound CXR D-dimer ECG Pulmonary angiography CTPA V/Q Scan

Which of the following tests are indicated to evaluate the patients symptoms at this point ? Cardiac Ultrasound CXR D-dimer ECG Pulmonary angiography CTPA V/Q Scan

Antithrombin III deficiency Protein C AND S Deficiency

On the basis of patients clinical presentation and laboratory findings What is the most likely diagnosis? Nephritic Syndrome Nephrotic syndrome

On the basis of patients clinical presentation and laboratory findings What is the most likely diagnosis? Nephritic Syndrome Nephrotic syndrome

Membranous Nephropathy

All are true except CT SCAN ABDOMEN

The biopsy specimens reveal a membranous pattern of injury consistent with the diagnosis of membranous nephropathy

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Which two of the following procedures are now indicated ? Cholangiography Colonoscopy ERCP Liver Biopsy Upper GI endoscopy

Which two of the following procedures are now indicated ? Cholangiography Colonoscopy ERCP Liver Biopsy Upper GI endoscopy

ERCP showed diffuse irregularities in the intrahepatic bile ducts which had a beaded appearance. Extrahepatic bile duct was not dilated. Colonoscopy revealed mild to moderate inflammation throughout the colon including the rectum. No polyps or masses were detected.

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