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Behavior Management System

Progressive Steps of Discipline: Green Card- Student is having a great day!! Keep up the Good Work! Yellow- Verbal warning and reminder of the Rules, (Student is still in good standing for the day). Orange- Second verbal warning. A note home will be written in students agenda or an e-mail. Red- A citation will be sent home and parent/guardian will be notified. If behaviors are still unresolved, teacher will request PTC. Positive Reinforcement Teacher will praise students for great effort, attitude, and behaviors and make contacts with parents/guardians to make them aware of their childs great effort, attitude, and behaviors in school.

Each student is numbered and colored cards in are located on Student Center Bulletin in pocket chart on wall. Classroom Rules are also posted here and Progressive Steps of Discipline. All students begin each day on green cards and if behavior problems occur, teacher will ask student to change their cards. A behavior slip may be sent home attached to agenda depending on behavior. Students are to have the slip signed by parents and return back to school for file.

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