Error Awareness Sheet

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Error Awareness Sheet

Directions: This Error Awareness Sheet will help you discover what your sentence-level
errors are and prioritize them. Put a check in the second column for each error marked on
your returned paper. Then, from the most frequent errors in the second column, select
TWO or THREE that you can begin working on first, and put a check next to them in the
third column. Always remember that you need to work on frequent global errors first.

Type of Error Total Number of Errors Top-Priority Errors to

work on
Global Errors (most
vt= tense
frag = fragment
RO = run on
vf = verb form
ss = sentence structure
wo = word order
S. = missing subject
V. = missing verb
CS = Comma Splice

Local Errors (less serious)

sv = subject verb agreement

pl = singular/plural
ww = wrong word
wf = word form
prep = preposition
art = article
pass = passive

Other Errors

sp = spelling
Cap = capital
p. = punctuation
pron. agr. = pronoun
reference agreement

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