MHEP - FAQs 2013-14

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Minmahaw Higher Education Program (MHEP)

2013-2014 Academic Year Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Entrance Exam Process? Applicants will register at the front table with MHEP and at this time be asked to hand in the official MHEP application with reference form attached. Applicants will then be asked take a standard English exam testing their Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Writing ability. Be prepared to write a short persuasive essay, answer short answer questions and select proper grammar or correct mistakes in a passage. Exams will be immediately graded on site and students with qualifying scores will be asked to sit for a Social Studies, Maths, and Science Exam. This exam tests both the applicants knowledge of the content of these subjects and also their ability to think critically and analytically. Qualifying students will also be asked to sit for a 5-10 minute interview with a member of our management or academic staff. This interview aims to determine the students English communication ability, their family & education background, work and volunteer experience, a demonstrated commitment to creating positive change in Burma, and also their ability to think outside of the box. Following the completion of testing in all camp and migrant locations, those with the strongest exam and interview scores will be shortlisted and contacted for an additional phone interview. Based on this, 24 students will be notified of their acceptance. If students decline their spot, MHEP will choose from our waiting list MHEP will most likely notify students of their acceptance to the program before May 5 th, 2013. However, this date is subject to change. Who is the ideal MHEP student? The ideal student is someone who is: Academically strong with advanced intermediate English language ability. AT MHEP there is a 24 hour a day English speaking rule, so applicants should be prepared for full English emersion Has the ability to think outside of the box, critically, and independently. We are looking for people who have original thoughts, can look at information and ideas and come up with their own opinions and conclusions. Intermediate computer and internet skills are an asset as students perform research projects throughout the year and communicate with their teachers through email. These skills will also be developed at MHEP during the course of the year.

Has demonstrated commitment to developing their communities. This can be demonstrated through previous work and volunteer experience and/or a strong understanding of the social, political, economic, and cultural issues facing Myanmar and its people. Strives to attend an international university with the intention of using this education, knowledge, and skills to returning to their communities and positively developing them. Is 18-25 years old and unmarried. Students found to be lying about your age or resettlement status will automatically be disqualified, especially students who are under 18 and applying. Students who have finished 10th standard and would like to attend MHEP but are too young, are encouraged to continue self-study or get volunteer or work experience while waiting to be eligible for our program. If you have 2 years of university completed in Burma, you do not need to attend MHEP for a GED certificate. You can directly apply for scholarships. We will not accept anyone who has 2 years of university completed. Note: you do not need to be affiliated with a political organization or from a family who is politically involved to be considered for MHEP. MHEP students cannot be registered for resettlement as our programs focus is to educate and empower students hoping to return. No applicants with UNHCR resettlement ID will be considered (ex. NPO, MLO, MLM, UMP will not be considered) Students who have attended other higher education programs will be considered only if MHEP deems the applicant needs this program in order to achieve their personal goals The class of 24 should have: o A gender balance, although we are not required to have 12 female and 12 male students like other programs. o A balance between migrant and camp locations o A good representation of many different ethnicities and testing locations

What do you learn exactly at MHEP? The GED exam is an internationally recognized high school equivalency exam that will help you be qualified to apply for international universities. Subjects that will prepare you for passing the GED exam (all with an American concentration): Academic English Literature Academic English Grammar & Writing Social Studies: World History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Government Science: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science Mathematics

Additional Subjects: Practical Thai Language Burma Issues Student Mentoring Program (Career and University Scholarship Counseling)

What kind of support to the students receive while attending MHEP? Medicine and clinic/hospital visits if necessary Bed, blankets, mosquito net Stationary supplies 240 baht/month pocket money Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (Breakfast is prepared by students; all other meals are prepared by the MHEP cook with the assistance of that days student cooking group) Transportation to and from the students household at the beginning and end of the academic year

What is the living situation? MHEP is located in a neighborhood called, HtungHtaung which is predominately inhabited by people from Burma. The school compound has two classrooms, including our library and computer lab with 12 computers, school management living quarters, kitchen, office, and girls dormitory. The boys dormitory is located in a separate compound down the street. Students live in dorm rooms with 3-5 other students.The school also has internet access. Students will have access to internet during their free time on weekends. What are the rules at MHEP? Students are not allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, chew betel or use drugs at any time during the academic year. Girls and boys are not allowed to visit each others' dormitories. Students are allowed to leave the school 2 times each month or if there is an extenuating circumstance. All students must speak English 24 hours a day and must participate in their daily duties. Students and teachers also create a list of class rules that will be followed at the beginning of the year with a discipline system coordinated by the school management and elected student leaders.

What does the academic year at MHEP look like? We have 12 months of intensive study. For the first 6 months, teachers concentrate on building the students knowledge of all the different areas of content as well as the skills needed to pass the exam. Beginning in January time spent on curriculum decreases and then most of the time is spent of administering GED Practice Exams weekly. All Thai National holidays are observed, there is a break for one week during the month of October and a week holiday during the Water Festival in April. During the longer breaks students are allowed to go back to visit their families if transportation is possible. What other responsibilities does an MHEP student have? Throughout the year there are a lot of opportunities to demonstrate and develop leadership qualities. Students are expected to be involved in community projects such as fundraising, leading events, and presenting on behalf of MHEP. Students also have responsibilities at school such as cooking, maintaining the dorms and cleaning the school. Students can also run for a position on the MHEP student council. An

MHEP student is always busy, therefore organization and self-motivation are highly desirable for potential students. What do MHEP students do in their free time? There are a variety of activities that students engage to relax after classes. Students can play football, volleyball or caneball, go running or walking, visit neighborhood teashops for snacks, go for a bike ride, help in the garden, read a book from our library or volunteer in the community.

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