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y a d h t r i B Juanitas !

s n o i t a r b e l Ce

Its October! The BIRTHday month:-) And you are invited to a birthday celebration unlike any previous ones we may have shared! Ill be at the Rishikesh Ashram of Swami Sivananda getting totally HIGH on my favourite intoxicants....fresh air and water:-)

So please keep some free time to share with me on this day! Its soooooo easy! Choose some time to close your eyes and allow your inner self to travel across the seas to India! Just visualise a beautiful tree (or flower) and you can be assured, that I will be close by! And let us sit together for just a few moments, enjoying the blissful beyond......just within any breath. And when you open your eyes.....have a drink of water and lets toast another healthy, happy year in each others existence. I look forward to sharing this birthday meditation with you! And birthdays bring presents in many forms...... After two years of teaching and working freely, this year, I invite family and friends who wish to send a birthday gift, to please direct it towards Juanitas Yoga Birthday Present! I have decided to once more BE one of my favourite things.....a learner! The month of November will be spent in diligent, divine study at the Sivanada Ashram in Kerala, doing a Yoga Teacher Training course. My aim is to return next March to do the Advanced course as well. The total cost is 3700 USD, I have saved 1000$ and am looking to raise the balance. Please click on the YOGA BIRTHDAY PRESENT BOX if you wish to send some birthday love that will empower me to teach what I LOVE the to look within and re-discover our innate blissful union with all!

Yoga Bir thday Pr esent

We are soul mates who have met before And have entered into each others lives now To raise our awareness And remember that we have met before Looking within the human layers And remembering ourselves as souls For this is what we really are Loving =iends in one family Our soul family within which, we are One soul Let us look within our human eyes and see what we really are. One soul. Awakening In deepest, celebratorC gDatitEde!


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