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Firstly let me just outline what Ive learned so far and the plans for going forward.

Ground Rules and Pledges

Rules: Be here! Work hard, with focus. Mutual respect. Meet deadlines. Be independent. Pledges:
I will try to give regular feedback. I will often be available after school to give extra help or more direct feedback. What I dont know, Ill try my best to find out (or we can find out together). If you put in effort, you can all succeed in this course.

Aims of session: -To understand the conventions of Soap Sub Genres. -To begin group research into sub genres in detail in order to produce a presentation to the class.

How will this help You must evidence research and planning on your blog.

Teacher: Gary Smillie

Spot the difference Vs wA Think of lighting, style, sound, mood etc.

What do we want?
Level 4 1620 marks

Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed.

There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience. There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.

Time management is excellent. There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation. There are excellent communication skills. There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.

Realism- eastenders Grim, British reality. Everything to maintain impression that this is happening in the real world. No soundtrack only background music. Strong regional identity. Telenovella- ugly betty Slightly unreal, enhanced world hyper real. Colours, costume, scenarios are all enhanced. Pure escapism (literally relates to the idea of an on screen novel). Music used to enhance this world.

Melodrama- hollyoaks Exaggerated but semi real. Mixture of humour, farce and over the top drama. Form of escapism but still based in reality. Music may be used, but subtly. Scripted reality- geordie shore Pretending to be real. Is a soap because it is written. Relationships and characters are keythese must provide some shock value for outrageous behaviour. Story less important than dramatic one to one confrontations.

Which sub genre?

If you had to pick a sub genre for each of these clips which would you apply to it and why? Use

1. FdGc Telenovella 2. Melodrama 3. l87_E Realism

What must you do

For your given sub genre style you must present a power point presentation detailing the conventions of the sub-genre. You must produce slides on all of these areas: 1) Definition and history (how long have they been around.) 2) Famous examples most popular. 3) Conventions Cinematography 4) Conventions Mise-en-scene 5) Conventions Sound 6) Conventions - Editing You must have examples of all the conventions you look at the form of clips. You can use the same clip twice but must analyse at least 2 clips in your presentation. The presentation will need to look good too so include images and a transitions etc they will go on your blog so make them detailed to level 4! Deadline Wednesday 11th Sept.

Deconstructing a trailer

1st - Which sub genre? Telenovella (continental), Realism (British), Melodrama, Scripted reality. 2nd What are the technical areas you need to analyse? Cinematography, Mise-en-Scene, Sound, Editing.

Which conventions? Give me a long list 2 shots, melodrama, shot reverse shot (or over the shoulder), straight cuts (realism), close ups (facial expression), Focus on strong diegetic sound in scenes, Non-diegetic soundtrack (dramatic), montage (trailer conventions)

How do you construct your textual analysis? 1) use the technical areas for structure. 2) Provide a chronological analysis? 3) Character based.

Task 2 Planning your own Soap Scene

Search your favourite Soap scene.

Watch it through 3 times making notes on mise en scene (costume, lighting), shots types, camera movement, dialogue, diegetic /non-diegetic sounds and editing.

Plan your own version with new character names, but a similar style, shot types and narrative.

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