The War of 1812 Chart

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The War of 1812

Invasion of Canada U.S forces ill-trained, ill disciplined, widely scattered Canada was spot of Britishs weakest forces Plan to attack Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain failed as they were pushed back Great Lakes British forces captured for Michilimackinac, led by British general Issac Brock American naval officer Oliver Hazard Perry built ships along the shores of Lake Erie, giving the U.S the hope they needed to fight back in the war Redcoats overtaken by General Harrisons army at the Battle of the Thames Oct. 1813 British invasion of New York 10,000 crack troops prepared for invasion in 1814 Thomas Macdonough commanded the American fleet near Plattsburgh Macdonoughs victory made British retreat saved upper NY, prevented dissolution of the union, and NE from further disaffection Washington D.C. 2nd British force about 4000 solders went to DC The 6000 U.S militia fell quickly at Bladensburg British forces set fire at the capital, including the White House Fort McHenry After Washington, British forces moved onto Baltimore The Americans held strong at Fort McHenry The location where Francis Scott Key wrote the The Star-Spangled Banner Battle of New Orleans The 3rd assault was in 1814 was at New Orleans was defended by regulars, pirates, Frenchmen and militia British tactical error of attacking the front failed badly, lost over 2000 men in half an hour General Andrew Jackson became a war hero for his astonishing victory Treaty of Ghent Signed on Christmas Eve 1814 in Ghent, Belgium Americans rejected British concessions of a neutralized buffer state In the end, treaty made both sides stop fighting and restore conquered territory New England Federalists NE Feds prospered due to illegal trading with Canada, voice became more vocal during War, talks about secession from the Union Tried to make a separate peace with GB during the war Rumors of selling out escape of American ships to the British with flashed lanterns Hartford Convention NE colonies had a 3 week convention to discuss greviences, redress wrongdoings Much less radical then alarmists supposed, demanded series of conessions to Washington After Jacksons victory, NEs complaints were petty and trivial at best

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