Learning Task 5

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Assignment 1. What components should be considered to find the solution of various problems above? 2. How is the application of public and private health services in Indonesia? 3. How public and private services will be applied based on SKN 2009? 4. Can SKN 2009 give the solution of all problems above? Explain the several possibilities! 5. What facilities need to be prepared and optimal zed in order to apply the SKN 2009 concept?

Answer 1. The components should be considered is the government, community. The government can make the policy about health system, such as: promote family planning, regulate budget allocation for health services. And also transmigration for generalization the community. 2. In Indonesia both public and private health services are exist. The private health service is 30% and 70% is public health service. The facilities in private health services relatively better than the public health service. Public and private health services are cooperated, for example: patient from private hospital can be referred to public hospital. 3. In the public health service is focused on community, by doing prevention, low cost and usually free. In the private health service is focused on personal, give treatment and fee for services. 4. Yes, it can. By doing the 6 sub system, for example: financing problem. The government give health insurance (jaminan kesehatan) for poor people. 5. By increasing the public health services, improve the quality of medical practitioner (SDM), generalization the allocation for drugs.

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