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TASK EIGHTEEN: Music Video Research Your Video Initial Pitch Ideas SYNOPSIS: You need to spend some time coming up with initial ideas for your music videos. You need to be thinking about the performance and narrative based performances along with actors, actresses, locations etc. TASK: You need to brainstorm all your ideas when having a group discussion. It is IMPERATIVE that you record your discussions as a group as it is important to show the holistic way you have come up with the idea. Use paper for this and then create a photo slideshow and add it to the blog. Once you have some concrete ideas, create a PowerPoint presentation with your ideas. Make sure that you look at the locations, actors, narratives, fashion etc. PRESENT TO THE CLASS during a lesson and make a video. Finally re-think your idea. What are you going to change etc since getting feedback. Add this all into the same post to show your adaptation of ideas. PRESENTATION IDEAS 1. 2. 3. 4. Paper with ideas and upload to Photopeach PP to create the material to go with your pitch. You will present this to the class and a video will be made Re-hash of ideas.

GRADING: A/A* - the research and presentation will be excellent. Terminology will be used extensively. B/C the research and presentation will be good. Terminology will be used. Audiences will be discussed D The research and video will be proficient. It will be complete but the detail may be limited.

E Work will be complete.

Mrs Fudge A2 Media Studies

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