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MESSAGE #3056 from Jesus February 6, 2008

My child,

Did I not place the crown of thorns upon your head? Do not fear the cross. Do not fear
the thorns, for I am with you. Through your suffering, you will be strengthened for the
road ahead. Unite your suffering to mine and embrace each new cross that is given to
you. I am Jesus. I hold you ever so near to My Heart.

See companion message 3057 from the Blessed Mother

MESSAGE #3064 from Jesus March 4, 2008

My child,

I am Jesus. I am here to wake mankind so more repent in this time of mercy. My Heart is
overflowing with love and mercy for each and every soul. The earth is trembling and
many souls are not prepared. The hour is drawing near, yet many are refusing to wake
from their slumber. Wake up and respond now to My Mother’s heavenly pleas. Time is
short for saving souls.

Listen, listen to My Mother and pray more. Pray for Priests so they truly shepherd their
flock. My Priests need prayer so they return to love and humility. Lack of love and pride
is why the Gospel is not being spread. Lack of prayer is why so many souls are being
misled. Many preach the Gospel, yet they live in darkness. I pour tears of blood over My
Church. Everyone must pray and do their part for the salvation of souls.

This is the time to listen and respond to My words of mercy. My mercy is great for those
who repent and return to the Sacraments. Wake up and listen and respond to Heaven’s

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